Friday, May 12, 2017

"Demolition Man"

"Demolition Man" maybe the most gloriously dumb ass movie ever made but it has its moments, none of which, of course, are meant to be analogous to the modern age.

Sandra Bullock gets a huge bang out of the chance to play an idiotic role but she turns out to be bad ass when she whales on some bad guys which highly impresses the Demolition Man.

Five stars for the explosion at the start of the movie since Hollywood really outdid itself with that one.

There's a lot of one-liner comedy in the movie to help make it completely ridiculous but it's still funny.

I've watched the movie multiple times because bring on the crazies and they say smart people watch stupid movies so they will be sending me my Nobel Prize any day now.

Ed:  what if it was a dumb ass who said that?

I'm not exactly counting on the income.

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