Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The State of Chaos Speech Last Night

There wasn't much to the speech except congratulations for wiping out the protest at Standing Rock.  (Ithaka:  Donald Trump Buried America's Soul at Standing Rock)

Beyond that were empty promises about security and even more about posterity all with the prevailing philosophy is profit is more important than any other thing, particularly Indians.

My fears about him trying to kill VA have escalated substantially.  He didn't have the balls to say it but the way he guts any kind of medical support makes it clear he would like to do it even if he may not be able to pull it off.

The only outstanding impression from the speech is Donald Trump got exactly the same reaction in Congress from wasting the Sioux as Andrew Jackson when he did it well over a century ago.  All of it is to support fracking so America's richies can play fiddlefuck with Saudi richies on the price of oil.  There's not a word for such a base character as would pollute his own land for such a low objective.

This general situation is why the matter isn't worth reporting anymore.  It's bad and it's going to get worse.  The rich don't care and no-one is going to come.  The expectation anyone will come is making it even worse for a whole lot of people since it's not going to happen and no-one came when Democrats were around either.

Remember when Obama raised the tax rates to try to repair what Reagan did?

Right.  Me either.  Now Trump blasts him for raising the national debt tremendously as he sets out to do the same damn thing.

Ed:  isn't this just nitpicking Trump the same as everyone else?

Standing Rock means a whole lot more than nitpicking.

Nothing much else to add since I need to get moving for a day which promises to be completely shitty but it needs to be done so back to VA again only in Dallas this time for variety.  I'll take a camera but most of that run is Interstate highway which looks the same as every other.

The only way I know to deal with completely shitty things is to get on with it to get that out of the way.

Silas out.


Anonymous said...

Had planned to call today, but I see that you are headed for Dallas.
As it turns out, I headed out to see about storm damage overnight.
Hopefully I call call Friday? But I don't know yet. ML

P.S. It's like Rose Anna Danna Danna's always somethin'

Unknown said...

Hopefully the storm damage was not much and Friday should be great. There was another appt scheduled but that's moved to next week so Friday is excellent and I'll be looking forward.

I'm loaded with steroids so craziness is highly possible but there may even be good news coming from that.