Friday, December 9, 2016

Ithaka is Knocking the Walls Down

Yesterday, Ithaka didn't get to a thousand hits until noon but last night you had it up to a thousand by midnight.

Note:  the clock resets at 6 pm Fort Worth time.  I've looked multiple times for why it thinks it's on GMT but no sausages.

It's up to about 1500 hits now and there hasn't been that kind of action in a year with a year before that to the next earlier time.

Ed:  it seems whatever you write once a year is good and the rest is crap.


I do not know who reads what nor do I know anyone who has not introduced himself / herself here.  I don't have the desire to know since that could corrupt the thinking due to the possibility of needing to write for a specific audience.

It's an unusual situation as IBM on the mainframe kept records of everything in unbelievable detail and they knew if you were doing anything, erm, untoward with your private parts while you were on the system.  Shame on you, Cubicle 47; shame on you.

Note:  there was one guy who really did watch porno movies at work and those cubicles were well-enclosed so it was tough to see him.  That may take the biscuit for non-dudeness.  Those programmers make up one strange lot.

Yevette remarked that she felt mostly sadness in looking at Twitter due to cascading military horrors in the world and that's why she has not had so much to do with Ithaka lately.  She didn't want to say it and I've wondered so I asked her straight-up.  I think she kind of appreciated being able to say it.

Ithaka shouldn't be making anyone sad as I expect it will antagonize various mainstream interests but it's not supposed to bring sadness; that may come when you realize what I write is not false and is not propaganda.

It's been my thinking that the science articles offset the obvious hostility toward abuse of the government but that won't work if your interest is not in scientific things.  Nevertheless, I thought it was highly damn cool yesterday with science which has a strong pursuit at wiping out metastasis in cancer.  I'm not sure I could find too many things which are more positive than that!  (Ithaka:  If You Want to Spread Cancer Faster then Go to McDonald's)

No-one likes to change their general diet and achieving better health by dropping high-fat food is well-known as being good for you but this extension shows a major connection between fatty food and metastasis, the aspect of cancer when it spreads and almost certainly kills you.  Maybe you see that as annoying or hopefully you see it as, well, here's something I can really do about it.  The latter reason is why I posted it.

Positive is not the same as happy and I'm not sure what that even means when I regard happiness as the absence of things which suck.  There's a different kind of happiness in things which make you smile and my ability to write such things is highly-variable.

Ed:  because you're unhappy!

Possibly but I really don't think so.  Yevette knows most of the time we're laughing and it's the same thing with Cadillac Man and Mystery Lady.  If I'm any kind of a writer, I should be able to do that here as well but that's not as easy.

Ed:  ergo, you suck as a writer!

Fair enough (larfs).

Yevette knows well that the medical reports here don't tell it all as she sees me stumbling about.  More oddly, I see it and think, hmmm, this is an unusual situation, isn't it.  Likely, as with me, it's worse to see anything in anyone else so it really isn't all that sad for me but likely it is for her.  Regrettably, there's not much I can do about that and the reason I'm not sad is it's obviously self-inflicted:  you smoke and you die; it kills you long before you actually kick off too.

I don't want to turn this into a lesson on smoking and really there isn't one.

Well, this turned into a lesson anyway, didn't it.  Yul Brynner can do it better than I.

While trying to make more smiles goes directly toward catering to an audience, it's fair since we don't want the general reaction to be the worst of the worst reactions of the sixties:  bummer, man.  Bummer!

We don't want no bummers. 


Anonymous said...

Your "writings/poems" are beautifully done--like "Buttercups". Wish I could do that. But you CAN and you never know how it will inspire or affect other people and in what ways. If you write what is in your heart it is beautiful and it draws the right people toward you and you please yourself. If you write just to draw an audience and lose your really don't gain a thing and I think that you attract negativity.

"Then I asked him (the Traveler) if this is Heaven but he said you have been in Heaven all your life and this part of it has flowering cupcakes. I asked what that means but then he got cryptic and said seek that which you wish to find and, if your heart is pure, it will be there."

And I know that your heart is pure...cause look at all those cupcakes!!!

It was not just the vision but the message that inspired me.

Unknown said...

You have a real gift.

The poems may be something like the way things come to you. They're not difficult for me to write after I get the vibe and maybe that goes ten to thirty minutes and it's done. If the moment isn't right then I could sit there all day. I really don't understand that process but I'm grateful that it comes at all and all the more so on hearing what you said.