Friday, December 9, 2016

Obama's Last Gasp Effort at Destabilizing Syria | Vets for Peace

Obama said 'national security requires' him to have an exception for sending missiles to Syrian 'rebels' as he continues his hopeless and ineffectual effort to kill Assad.  (RT:  Obama grants waiver for military support of foreign fighters in Syria – White House)

This only re-supplies the other side and I don't call them terrorists because everyone in Syria is a terrorist, including America.  The net result of sending missiles to any 'rebels' is they wind up in the hands of so-called terrorists every time they whack some more of them.  This has been happening ever since the Obama extension on the Bush outrage has continued.  (RT:  Weapons can end up with terrorists now US military aid restrictions to Syria lifted – Kremlin)

So Obama celebrates Christmas and his last full month as President exporting yet more violence as he helps Israel do to Syria what America did with Manifest Destiny (i.e. wasted most of the Indians and took their land).

Ed:  are you seriously tagging Israel with this?

Yes.  Check out Israel's land at its inception and how it has taken almost all of Palestine since then.  Too bloody right I tag Israel and that vicious demon, Netanyahu.

Ed:  you're just another anti-Semite!

I'm anti-lies and anti-imperialism.

Obama's position in history has been degrading steadily and his blatant provocation of Russia and China in combination with the devastation of Syria may well put Obama up to the position of Worst U.S. President ever.  Look out Andrew Jackson; now there's a strong contender for your position.  Republicans think that too but for twisted reasons regarding the Affordable Care Act even when that act feeds their own corrupt insurance companies.  (Ithaka:  The Coming War with China)

My command of offensive language is just as good as ordinary English and calling Obama a 'vicious motherfucker' may give a temporary buzz but Obama can withstand insults; what he can't withstand is truth.

Note:  that language may be offensive to the mainstream makes no fucking difference whatsoever when those are the people who offended the world with that travesty of an election.  Radicals (i.e. not Republicans or modern fake Democrats) had nothing to do with the election.  The mainstream owns that disaster but they don't care as they go off to swoon at Adele singing movie themes at the Grammies

Some who are definitely not mainstream are the Vets for Peace and that has arisen from the Vietnam Veterans Against the War and earlier wars.  (Veterans for Peace)

Imagine just for a moment what it is to risk your life for the country only to discover the country was lying.  When kids get drafted, most aren't aware of the cynical nature of the government but many of them are at discharge.

Note:  I was never in any line of fire but, as time goes by, I realize how many veterans never saw action either.  I can tell you this much:  at VA, it doesn't make any difference.  You were there so come on in and we will try to help.

Some gave all and all gave some.  That's on the building at the VA clinic in Fort Worth and it touches me every time I walk past it.  VA is one of the few places where a vet feels truly safe since no-one's going to lie to you and no-one is going to give you any shit.

These days it's hard to find anyone who hasn't lost someone to these endless, futile wars.  Make them stop.


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