Saturday, January 2, 2016

No Recording Last Night, Disruptive Leadership, and Diane Kruger

Last night was one for yakking the yak with the Cadillac Man and we don't talk so often so the yakking of the yak will run a couple of hours when we do.

We have yakked about a great many things but never specifically about a yak and now OCD is creeping up within me, asking me, nay, demanding I must learn something of yaks.

(Ed:  so next time you can have a yak yak?)

Yah, there you go.  Have a yak about yaks.  Now you're getting it.

Note:  OCD won.  Now we know the yak is only the male of the species and the female is known as a nak.  Yah, the only way to make more yaks is when you have a happy yak and a happy nak.

(Ed:  you make up this crap!)

Oh really ... (WIKI:  Yak)

Cadillac Man likes to yak about Alexander Hamilton and hardly anyone knows who he was but he's on the ten-dollar note and he was one of the must structurally important leaders in American history in terms of his work as a Founder, particularly regarding matters of the economy.

(Ed:  sounds exciting ...)

See, there you go getting all high school about history.  It's not so much the detail of Hamilton's life which is interesting but rather Cadillac Man's passion for learning of it.  He knows American history the way Nicholas Cage knows it in the "National Treasure" movies and maybe you laugh about that ... but ... Nicholas Cage wound up with Diane Kruger.

There was quite a bit of yak about the complacence of people regarding Trump and it's different for Cadillac Man because he runs into people who actually support Trump so the question comes of how did otherwise intelligent people become so non-discerning.  The general conclusion was straight out of Dune:  fear is the mindkiller.

More than that, the yak was about 'disruptive leadership' and that doesn't necessarily mean destructive but rather it's disruptive of a status quo.  Steve Jobs was one of the most disruptive leaders of the last century and who built a company which is now much larger than General Motors.  Elon Musk is another who does not accept any status quo and has the mind and passion to address that in powerful ways.

Donald Trump is disruptive in rejection of a status quo but the trouble is the rejection is an illusion insofar as he won't really change anything.  His Wall doesn't mean anything because more Mexicans are leaving America than entering it.  He says he will make the Middle East even worse and we're sure he can do it after every President for the last fifteen years has made a giant sinkhole out of the entire region.

Disruptive leadership works either way in that it can be positive or negative.  My own management was disruptive in terms of rejecting the Lean VI Sigma way of doing things.  Lean VI is a standard in management but I saw the same problems returning over and over so I concluded the standard doesn't fucking work.  My management style was more of questioning what can you do and when can you do it.  Using that style resulted in big things and a huge part of that was the absence of bossing people.  If you're making something good and you can communicate that to people, they will come with you just about every time.  If you boss them to come with you, they will jump ship at the first opportunity.

Bernie Sanders has a positive vision and definitely I will support that and go with him.

Cadillac Man is a bit envious because I'm clear on the things I need to be doing even if I usually cannot afford them.  There isn't the faintest doubt in my mind I want to make the most killin' song I possibly can and there's nothing I can accomplish on this Earth which means more to me than that.

That kind of confidence in direction isn't such an easy thing after a career making widgets or whatever you may do.  Cadillac Man considers such things just now because he's getting a good grip on, man, I can do whatever the hell I want now; I really am free for the first time.

The next question after that is ok, now what.

I can't tell anyone now what for you but I can tell you for sure finding it will help keep you alive.  It gives direction, purpose, meaning ... all the thangs which make you hot to the chicks.

(Ed:  what about money?)

Only the golddiggers are looking for money, the ones you want are looking to see if you're capable.

(Ed:  I'm not even lookin' for a woman!)

Yah but you don't mind being attractive to the femmes, do you.


Cadillac Man said...

One of the 'National Treasure' filming locations was Trinity Church. It is in the lower part of Manhattan near the Financial District. It is where George Washington, Alexander Hamilton and many other founding fathers attended. Alexander Hamilton has a tomb in the church graveyard. I'm planning on visiting the site in the spring. I'm also not looking for a woman. However, if I see Diane Kruger, or a similar woman, I am looking!

Unknown said...

Probably not much luck with Diane Kruger as I believe (sob) she is married.

I remember you mentioning Trinity Church but I didn't write anything because I got that one muddled and thought it was in Philadelphia in the movie so maybe that meant there was a different one.

That one isn't the pilgrimage for me but I do get the splendor of times when you're in the exact spot some amazing thing happened or in the presence of some incredible person. It was something like that in going to Olympia and there were tears in my eyes from it. Most extraordinary phenomenon.