The camera is not level because it's an action cam on my head and I'm getting like Stevie Wonder but, wtf, no-one can see anything with all the lasers firing. The yellow lines show the rough proportion and orientation of the door. There are no images on those doors and there's no chance of light coming in from outside.
You can see the ghost's head and he's wearing a dark-colored shirt and a tie with a light sports coat. Most importantly he's wearing RayBans. That fookin' ghost is me, Jack.
Even more importantly than the RayBans, there's a laser sniper sight on the middle of me forehead and it's a warning. If I say one more bad thing about Hillary Clinton and her dishonesty, her corruption, and her wholesale marketing of Democratic principles, she will put a cap in my head.
Well, I sure got that warning, huh. Fookin' ghosts.
Note: the image came from "The End of the World in Fort Worth" and the laser didn't draw it because they only do geometric patterns.
(Ed: like mushrooms?)
Ain't that a shocker, huh! (larfs)
I went forward to tell Yevette about this ghost and warned her this is going to freak yer shit out. It hardly even surprised her and she said, oh yeah, there are three ghosts upstairs and two more downstairs.
Well, make my fookin' dreams come true, huh! It's not just one ghost, the place is crawling with them!
Those ghosts don't seem to be a problem but this Hillary Clinton demon wraith wants to put a cap in my head. That is so fucked up. All I ever did was call her a hypocritical waste of oxygen who talks of her service and measures it by the millions of dollars she takes home.
(Ed: correction on that, Rant King. She has taken tens of millions home.)
Right you are but there's some comedy in it. The same people who busted Bill and Hillary Clinton for Whitewater have forgotten about it and now she's a picture of the healthy wealthy, best of fuckin' breed, man. If not for that pesky Benghazi, they would make her a goddess. Cripes, it's a fookin' joke.
(Ed: a joke with a laser sight on yer head)
Right, there's that as well. Fuckin' bitch.