Saturday, December 19, 2015

Twitticisms are Back

The Twitticisms were a hit on the blog but they competed too much with the articles and they don't serve the same purpose.  The Twitticisms are now back but in a different form and you can see the latest by clicking the TWITTICISMS tab on the top of the blog.

The content is not static and will be updated as often as necessary.  Right now I'm still only marginally functional but that improves.  It seems like only a few months since the last time this happened and (insert standard litany about three months to see a doctor at VA) I'm not really sure what to make of it.  The biggest hassle is building up strength again after it happens and that's being pursued possibly more aggressively than I should.

The biggest bitch is I can't pick up the Galaxy Guitar yet.  She's a heavy lady, soooo heavy, and she's not full of lead like a Les Paul but it still takes strength to deal with her.  She don' got no truck wit' wussies.  Who wants an axe made for wimps anyway.  Ha!

A Stratocaster sure isn't made for wimps and she isn't such a heavy lady at all.  It's cool how you can throw one around and I had one for many years but, fickle bitch that I am, I switched to Godin for my One True Axe Love.  No-one will pry the Galaxy Guitar from me fingers unless they are freeing her from rigormortis (larfs).

So, hopefully you enjoy the Twitticisms in this new format since it's an easy thing for me to provide them if you like.

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