Monday, December 21, 2015

Here's Lookin' At You, Kid

We can cuddle from right where you are.  I only eat bamboo shoots but I can seriously defend myself.

Predators can't take down a full-grown panda but they sometimes attack the cubs and this is where you get into the bleeding-heart dilemma.  One of the predators which is capable of taking down a panda cub is a snow leopard.  Both of them are beautiful and endangered ... so ... what will you do, Hello Sunshine?

It was surprising to discover how many predators are a threat because, in addition to the snow leopard, there are also black bears and white bears.  No wonder this one grew such claws or otherwise you would have no chance with that crowd.

It does seem a little weird, tho.  They have black bears ... white bears ... and black and white bears.  It's seems they are shooting a Bear Fellini movie.

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