Monday, December 21, 2015

The Savage Travesty of GOP Patriotism - Veterans Edition

Note:  unknown to which budget year this applies but it hasn't been changing all that much year over year.

You know those Republicans, they wear those lapel pins and they're such patriots ... they even wave a flag when the mailman delivers a letter, at least until they can wipe out the Postal Service.

Compare, if you will, the percentage of the spending which goes to the Military relative to that which is spent on Veterans Benefits.

In another article, it was documented Senator Ron Johnson (R, WI) voted against capital improvements to the Veterans Administration (e.g. improved facilities, etc) because he did not believe the country can afford it.  (Blog:  GOP Senator Ron Johnson, Political Gollum and Enemy of Veterans)

The graphic above shows he is willing to spend ten times as much on getting soldiers killed than he is willing to spend on taking care of the ones who survive.  This applies to the majority of the Tea Party era GOP, none of whom are even a pitfart of a promise relative to Goldwater Republicans.  It's the usual cast of characters who voted down support for veterans.  Senator Imhofe is one of the reigning GOP pricks and he does this sort of thing constantly.  The entire GOP clown car is behind him ... waving flags so enthusiastically to show you they work so hard for America ... by reaming the ones who serve it.

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