Saturday, December 26, 2015

CNN Talks of Vladimir Putin and his Potty Mouth

We don't give a fuck how Vladimir Putin expresses himself but we're grossly offended by CNN trying to establish a provincial style of speech suitable only for young mothers deeply engaged with toilet training.

Potty?  Are you fucking serious??  How much of a slope do you need on your forehead before this becomes something you actually use in your speech.

This language is so stilted and pretentious it's even made a dirty word out of 'toilet' and thus creates some maternal psychological damage in the kid without ever getting near the four-letter words the stupid bitch abhors so much.  Toilet is a simple word, easy to remember, and mother's damaged brain thinks using the word will damage the child.

The general psych review about mother is she has a raging case of headworms.  She raises her kid so he thinks even taking a shit is something offensive.  Good job, mother, in inculcating some perverse trauma he will carry for the rest of his miserable fucking life.

Proper speech with that crowd is anything they deem appropriate to say in front of their microcephalic children and anything else is some kind of public outrage.  They even arrange groups with a 'family focus' in which fucking all of them talk like morons, they watch cartoons, and they dream of ludicrous fantasy worlds which don't exist.

Sure, that's good for a kid.  Teach him all his dreams are fucking impossible because they only exist in some cheap ass computer-generated cartoon which is complete crap next to good cartoons like Huckleberry Hound and Yogi Bear.  Now even the cartoons are politically-correct and aren't fit for something Rocket J. Squirrel would use for a urinal.

And how about those blogger mommies, huh.  How's that crew for a representation of American intelligentsia.  Most of them are not particularly well-educated and are not particularly well-trained in much of anything except making babies which is something monkeys can do, frequently with much greater ability in terms of the low percentage of them which wind up dribbling lunatics in need of a lifetime of therapy.

Potty mouth?  Fuck this shit.

So, that should set up the leap ... the reason the politicians today are all such lying bastards is Doctor Spock.

(Ed:  fucking what?)

Sure.  Mother talks about potties and all sorts of lying language to create a false image of purity as if taking a shit is anything more than just taking a shit because it beats the living hell out of not taking a shit.  Instead she has to create some twisted trauma around that and has made truth out of distorting things in ways which twists them to your sensibilities.

That the politicians are such blazing liars really isn't a surprise since the real shock would be if they had turned out any other way after that kind of upbringing.

Even designation of a 'potty mouth' is more of Twisted Mother's perception of filth which language goes directly back to her greatest fear:  the toilet.  Her young Mutant Offspring should be able to come out of the toilet and say, "Hey, Mom.  I just took a huge shit and I feel great!"

She won't tell him, "Of course you do, son.  That's what is supposed to happen."

Instead she will whack him for his filthy language regarding a perfectly natural subject and an entirely natural reaction to it.  See above about mother and her headworms.

(Ed:  is this some type of projection of some trauma inflicted on you by yer own mother?  Shame on your for doing that on her birthday!)

Nah, she had six kids and motherhood was a full-time job.  Even so, there was no possible way she had time to traumatize us with silly thinking like that and she would not have done it anyway.

Yah, so she didn't do that ... and ... she made better apple pies than you ... just ask anyone ... and ... today really is her birthday.  She would be ninety-seven today.

Happy birthday, dear ol' Mother.  Your traumas were much more interesting than the potty mouth kind and I love you for them and everything else, especially those apple pies.  Dayum, there were good.

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