Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas Takes a Holiday from CNN and Fox News

There couldn't have been less Christmas at CNN yesterday without an overt ban on its mention.  There was an obligatory reference to the Pope's address at the Vatican but that was extremely low-profile.  That it was such a low profile mention does have actual meaning because you have seen for yourself how CNN will use a wartime font size for the most trivial of things but the Pope's address didn't even warrant much of a mention.

There was somewhat more mention of Christmas by Fox News but that was tempered by a question of America's faith relative to the use of 'In God We Trust,' which, we're sure you recall, has had nothing to do with America's history and was only rammed into the system in 1956 as a consequence of McCarthy and his Communist witch hunters.  One thing 'In God We Trust' has never been is an element of faith.  Politics, yes, but faith ... um, not bloody likely.

In the view of the Rockhousian Revolution, CNN and Fox News left Christmas out in the rain, possibly due to global warming, we don't care.  Frankly, we're not interested in their reasons but it's noteworthy because America likes to fancy itself the holiest country in the world.  Well, we sure saw that yesterday, didn't we.

(Ed:  are you seriously going to do a tired fucking article on godlessness in America?)

Fear not, young Inquisitor, we don't believe it's even true.  We have a lot of trouble with Christianity in America being graded like fuels for automobiles, however.  With our friend, Kannafoot, he has the premium religious fuel with the Dali view of the Heavens in magnificent frescoes, beautiful music, and the most gorgeous cathedrals on the planet.

However, all over Facebook you can also see the economy religious fuel with Jesus loves me, this I know, because the Bible tells me so.  With Kannafoot, we accept his faith as real without question but the others we don't believe at all.  In other words, there's lots of religion in America but many aren't particularly good at it.

(Thelma:  there's nothing wrong with talking to my God on Facebook!)

Hot tip on that, Thelma.  God doesn't fucking read Facebook.

(Ed:  is there some reason I should give more than a hair on a rat's ass about this?)

Well, sure, there is, Impatient Irving, it means Ted Cruz is going to fry like putting a drop of water on a skillet.  He's been out there greasing evangelicals for months as if they will turn over America and bring about his canonization.  It ain't goin' happen.

(Ed:  after all the times Ted Cruz has fried America by shutting down the government, we would love to see him skittering around on the surface of a frying pan)

With you on that, matey mate.  Gandhi is going to have to get the hell out of the room for that moment as we wanna watch that too.

Ted Cruz is one of the coldest, sleaziest and most calculating bastards on the trail with his nearest match in heartlessness coming from Carly Fiorina.  When he talks to evangelicals, he says banning gay marriage is a top priority but he says the opposite when talking with people who actually wore shoes when they went to school.  He leaves hatred in an oil slick behind him every time he moves.

Neither CNN nor Fox gave Christianity any more than the nod the court gives a criminal ... right before it hangs him.  Therefore, we conclude Ted Cruz will never be any more than the grease for Waffle House pancakes.

(Ed:  we love Waffle House pancakes!)

Yah, of course you do.  Now tell me you love Waffle House grease and maybe you have a case for Ted Cruz.

(Ed:  holy shit!  I haven't even cleaned up all the wrapping paper and whatnot from Christmas and all this bile is highly fucked-up relative to that!)

Stay with us, Irving, this ain't over yet.  So Christmas is the story of one Jewish guy, all by himself, and, what do you know, we have another one.

Note:  partly the reason for the posting is that dorky raincoat is sooooo Vermont.  You would have to live in New England for a while to get the feel of that.  They think it's funny when you laugh at what they wear because they know you buy all kinds of stuff from L.L. Bean ... which is as New England as you can get up in Maine.

(Ed:  now you're posting Bernie as a figure of Christ?)

Well, no.  In fact, I'm posting Bernie as an unassuming Jewish guy standing out in the rain because of what he believes.  Twenty years later he is still doing it ... but the cars don't simply go whizzing by anymore and I've no doubt you could walk up to him, just the same, and say, "Hey, Bernie!"

He would say, just the same, "Hey, Sam."

We're not slamming Christmas and you've seen it multiple times here on the blog over years in which Christmas is treated with respect even though we don't celebrate it in the same ways as most (e.g. there's no tree, no gift-giving, etc, etc).

We see Christmas as the grandest testament possible to what one little Jewish guy can do.

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