Saturday, December 26, 2015

Fly Geyser, Most Beautiful Monstrosity Anywhere

It's gorgeous but has an ugly name as The Fly Geyser in Nevada which is on private property but it's visible from the road.  There's a fence securing the area around the actual geyser but tours are sometimes possible.  (Daily Mail: There she blows: The incredible pictures of a man-made geyser in the middle of the Nevada Desert)


And one more ...

This thing is a man-made phenomenon and it happened because of a well-drilling project gone wrong.  It's been spraying ever since and the water has many chemicals in it but mostly it has thermophilic (i.e. heat-loving) bacteria and those give it the extraordinary colors.  Judging by all the greenery around it, the water must not be poisonous but we sure would not drink it.

The photographs are shot to give the impression of an immense size but the Fly Geyser is actually only about five feet tall and ten or so feet across.  It doesn't seem quite so cool when it isn't that big but it sure is gorgeous.

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