Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Androids Who Live Among Us

For many years people have been thinking Alex Jones is an android but he is only a small part of an out-of-control DARPA project which initially created the androids.  They did not anticipate the peril of using androids to do a significant part of the work to create additional androids since they, in turn, started their more in a clandestine android facility.

As part of Android Security System, DARPA included in the design of each android a component which operated like a beacon such that all androids could be easily tracked by the Department of Homeland Security.  However, the androids knew how the beacon was implanted because DARPA used them to help build more androids.  When the androids started building their own clandestine androids, they knew to bypass the beacon module.

The reason for today's communique is the Wickerman and Isaacs Security Extension for the Android Security System was something DARPA inserted into the android design when the project leaders started to suspect their may be a problem.  They used only human engineers to create the WISE and it was called by another name for production so the android fabricators would not suspect its actual purpose.

The WISE inserts various idiosyncrasies into the android's speech patterns and DHS experts hoped to track these speech patterns in a way to identify androids which are now living among us.

One of the most important DHS tracking tools is to scan radio, television, and social networks for any instance in which someone refers to 'networking' and means something other than machines.  DHS came to learn through comparison of patterns between the android they had found and those they indicated by networking.  These networks were, in fact, other clandestine androids and this gave DHS confirmation there is a large android network living among us.  In fact, there is more than one of them.

Said Special Agent Wallace Cleaver for DHS, "We have not as yet ascertained the purpose of the aforementioned clandestine androids but we are devoting significant resources to locating their command and control centers and then executing the appropriate measures to resolve this problem situation."

Meanwhile, recognize the signs.  Any use of the word 'networking' for anything which is not a machine is a clear indication of the presence of the WISE module and is thus clear proof the speaker is an android.

Always be aware of your surroundings.  Androids are everywhere.  Be ever vigilant.

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