Monday, December 21, 2015

NATO and the Cancer of Europe

At one time, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was for the defense of Europe against any foreign threats.  This came post WWII despite the threat having originated within Europe but the organization was formed and exists to this day.  There was a commitment from the European Union after the Berlin Wall came down there would be not one inch of expansion of NATO to the East and that commitment has been dishonored multiple times since then, always with the forceful backing of the United States.

Whereas U.S. military invasions are the overt mechanism for forcing illegal regime changes in other countries, NATO has been used almost since its inception as a mechanism to try to force regime change in what was then the Soviet Union and is now Russia.  In fact, the regime did change with the advent of Gorbachev and has changed even further with Vladimir Putin but NATO keeps pushing as if Stalin still exists and is an imminent threat of some kind.  There is no evidence to support that because Russia and China are two of the least imperialist countries on the planet.

Note:  whether it was NATO or other factors which resulted in regime change in Russia is not the point.  More than anything else, the lunacy of the Cold War arms race is what bankrupted the country and NATO did not have much to do with it.

State Duma Speaker Sergey Naryshkin has said Russia is very concerned by continuing NATO expansion and of course Russia would be when NATO is trying to move into Ukraine, on the doorstep to the modern image of Russia and only a short distance from Moscow.  (RT:  ‘Cancer of Europe’ – Russian Duma speaker calls for NATO dissolution)

NATO is, in fact, a cancer in Europe and it has zero efficacy toward the security of Europe as shown in its lack of response to ISIS, ostensibly the greatest threat facing Europe.  The actuality is NATO has never been more than a tool of the US and the European Union does not reject it because of the money from the US in hosting American military bases in their countries.  This is the same corporate militarism which has been gutting America since the sixties and Naryshkin is precisely correct regarding it as a cancer.  It has been eating the soul of America for over fifty years and it has been doing the same thing to Europe.

The time for NATO is long past gone and even more so because of the nuclear weapons which come with it, specifically in countries which revile the use of nuclear power for anything.  These weapons became irrelevant after it was possible to annihilate Washington with a single hit from a nuke.

America is being slowly strangled by corporate militarism and, with the national debt somewhere over seventeen trillion dollars, it doesn't have that much farther to go.  At least half of that debt is directly attributable to the American military ... so ... what exactly did you get from that, honey?

(Ed:  security)

Yah, sure.  Tell that to San Bernadino.

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