Sunday, December 20, 2015

Hillary Clinton and Her Total Fail in the Democratic Debate

One of the most self-destructive policies America has followed is that of regime change to force the political policy of other countries.  Hillary Clinton was using a load of self-aggrandizing rubbish to serve herself regarding Middle East policy since the Bush years but which has, in reality, turned the Middle East into a quagmire of unresolved conflicts.  Her failure to abandon the policy of regime change in Syria is the single most dangerous course America can follow in the region.

Clinton also proved conclusively her role as Old School Establishment by quoting the 'strategic interests' of the U.S. in the region.  Use of this term goes back to Dick Cheney and it wasn't true then.  Her unwillingness to engage positively with Vladimir Putin to engage the true military target in the Middle East shows how far America will regress if she is in any position of authority.

Bernie Sanders has deep knowledge of America's policy of regime change and how that has been in effect ever since 1961 when the CIA, led by Henry Kissinger, capped Salvador Allende, the legally-elected leftist leader of Chile.  As a result, the reign of terror by Pinochet began and that was a direct consequence of America's intervention.  The policy has failed multiple times, usually resulting in the deaths of many innocent people.  Clinton claimed taking out Gaddafi in Libya had served some useful purpose after the country has been in chaos ever since that happened and thus demonstrates she has learned nothing from over fifty years of American history.

Bernie Sanders had a major score in his willingness to address the corruption in Wall Street while Clinton dodged that altogether.  He needs to differentiate between taxation of Wall Street speculation versus normal, healthy investment but that's an easy compromise to make given the reality of who actually is raping the market.  Clinton did not address in any sincere way her wholesale commitment to big banks and Wall Street, both of which went off the charts with abuses after the changes implemented by Bill Clinton, specifically in dismantling Glass Steagall.

NAFTA wasn't mentioned in terms of 'Jobs in America' but it should have been because Bill Clinton also enabled that job exports which came in NAFTA and is a major part of the job loss is suffering to this day.  That Hillary Clinton believes Bill Clinton will be an asset in the White House is fanciful, wishful thinking because he sure did no good for workers when he was there the first time and the damage he did is still being felt.  George Bush finished the damage after he spent trillions of dollars but Bill Clinton sent the stage for the economic collapse in America which came as a result of the changes Clinton had made and followed George Bush and his reckless spending.

Clinton said nothing about police violence in reference to #BlackLivesMatter and made no mention of the eleven hundred and ninety American citizens killed by cops so far this year.  Bernie Sanders addressed the matter straight up and noted specifically a disproportionate percentage of the people killed by cops are minorities.  He noted the majority of people in American jails are minorities and said this matter needs to be addressed.  Clinton blew right past that and had nothing to offer.

Bernie Sanders also addressed specifically the primary problem in American health care:  the insurance companies which take more than half of every dollar sent to them in medical premiums and thus add more overhead to the management of the health of Americans than the government could ever possibly manage.  Nothing more exemplifies the failure of the concept of privatization of government functions than the way the management of American medical care has been relegated to hugely-corrupt and wildly-greedy insurance companies.

The specific reason health care costs so much more when insurance companies manage it is most of the time are finding reasons not to give it rather than the other way around.  My own medical insurance was canceled in 2009 and the destruction that wrought in my life is incalculable.  While blaming that on Obama is not fair, it's definitely true to say the policy which permitted that still exists.  Failure to deal with the insurance companies only means there is little chance health care in America will get any better.

There were multiple attempts by ABC to make an issue out of the incident regarding Clinton's private information at the DNC but not once was it mentioned how the DNC grossly overreacted to events.  That corruption is owned by Wasserman Schultz, the leader of the DNC.  (The Blaze:  Debbie Wasserman Schultz Is Acting Just Like the Villain Bernie Sanders Says She Is)

Mostly the offensiveness in Clinton was in how she was behaving like a bad-mannered, old trout.  She was talking over people and broke the debate rules multiple times.  It was funny to see Bernie Sanders throw that right back at her as if to tell her, "Go back to being a washerwoman, you old trout. You have no business here."

The standard was altogether different for Bernie Sanders as he was chastised for an attempt to go overtime based on the established debate rules and he honored that.  Clinton repeatedly went right on talking over announcers and whomever she liked to spew sophistry with far more words than content.

Hillary Clinton, more than anyone else on the debate stage, stands for The Establishment and business as usual and we see clearly why that is a dangerous and destructive policy.  Nothing positive for anyone has come out of America's policy in the Middle East and she was clear she will continue that.  She also was talking out of both sides of her mouth about sending troops into the Middle East now.  Apparently she forgets Vietnam started by sending advisors and special forces there, exactly as she supports doing in Syria now.

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