Saturday, December 19, 2015

Hillary Clinton and the Death of Neo-Feminism

Hillary Clinton easily has the potential to do as much damage to feminism as Phyllis Schlafly when she almost single-handedly wrecked the initiative to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment over thirty years ago.  When feminism selects a corrupt, power-mad demon for its figurehead, it has nowhere to go but down.

Neo-feminism has been going down the toilet for some while because of the endlessly dreary whining.  Women don't get paid the same as men, women don't get this or don't get that, etc, etc.  Neo-feminism has become like an endless Diane Keaton movie only now it's Jessica Valenti looking desperate as the teardrops run down the window in the rain.

Note:  Diane Keaton has done much better movies than the one in question which was an exposition on the horrors of a relationship breaking down.  Apparently some other femme thought this topic was important ... as if it's not already known to anyone who is past his first high school romance.  The only consequence of the movie is by midway the only resolution is for everyone in the cast and the audience to commit suicide.

Lysistrata is the Once and Future Queen of Feminism.  When she wanted the men to stop going to war, she organized the femmes to hold out the nookies on the men.  You boys can fight all you want but don't be lookin' for any lovin' when you come home.

Well, now.  This is a feminist we respect!

(Ed:  you seriously support a sex strike?)

We don't just support it, we call for it!

In a sex strike, there is no whining because everyone wants the nookies just the same.  Bonobo monkeys have got nothing on humans for how much we want the nookies.  Those monkeys would weep if they only knew how much nookies humans get.

Here at the Rockhouse, we are outraged at the way the Democratic National Committee, owned lock, stock and barrel by the Clinton campaign, tried to destroy Bernie Sanders' candidacy.  That ruling has now been overturned but, unlike the huge publicity on CNN when the DNC sanction was announced, there has been almost no publicity regarding the reversal thus showing CNN is as much of a store-ought tool as the DNC.

The only worse symbol of feminism anyone could possibly find as a leader is Marine le Pen, one of the most hateful women on the planet and a large part of the basis for Muslim resentment in Europe.


Anonymous said...

I think the DNC left opened the glitch to allow the Sanders campaign access right before the debates. No truly useful information was available but mud will br thrown

Unknown said...

Yah, same thinking here. It was a deliberate trap and some staffer felt into it. There's some guy, Schultz, running the DNC and he's getting zero good publicity behind this. It was a grossly unjustified overreaction by the DNC so he owns that one.