Thursday, May 18, 2017

Tornado Watch for Tarrant County, TX, Until 2200

Chetek, US

Residents of a trailer park sift through what remains of their homes and possessions after deadly tornadoes hit the city in north-west Wisconsin

Photograph: Marisa Wojcik/AP

Oh, you didn't think tornadoes go that far North?

If you don't have a basement then you better know your move.  Here at the Rockhouse it's to head for the bathtub and pull whatever is around on top.  The ideal is a mattress but, amazingly, there isn't one of those in the bathroom area.

If you don't have any other move, that bathtub gambit is the strongest you can make.

Since the Trailer Park Kids up there are non-deceased, they had to have had their move planned.  There's never been a trailer yet with a shelter yet they survived.

Ed:  thank God

God had nothin' to do with it.  Thinking saved them since the big 'un couldn't possibly be too fast.  Isn't God's part of the game when your partner gets smoked and you don't?  Why the fuck am I still alive?

Ed:  you're the one who is ordained.   You tell me, Faddah.

Whoa, that's dirty.  I am a legal preacher but, you may have noticed, I ain't God.  It's all the others who think they're God, see.

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