Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Sensationalizing Bad News and Ignoring Good News

Surely you saw the stories about the woman in Nevada who died from a 'superbug' which is as good a term as any when you don't know what something was.  That story was playing all over the place and we don't question the truth of it but the purpose of all those news items doesn't seem to have been anything more than sensationalism.

Ithaka published an item this morning on successfully addressing problems with superbugs by blasting hospitals with UVC light.  My prediction at the time was people wouldn't read it and, sure enough, it hasn't received much attention.  (Ithaka:  Fighting Superbugs with Ultra Violet Light - Science)

I looked to see how much attention the research has received from any source and it's not much.  The last time a major channel addressed it at all was CBS in 2013.

Here's where we can have some fun and games with chickens and eggs.  We see the perception we're all screwed and we're going to die is common so we wonder if people took that belief and media caters to it or did media create the fear and people accepted it.

- Insert length editorial from Marshall McLuhan on 'the medium is the message' -

Here in the Rockhouse, we see kind of a determination to feel shitty about things and ain't that a strange thing.  However, we don't know why they should beyond the obvious of a bad economy, etc, etc so why do they look for more and why do they ignore anything which might remedy that thinking somewhat.

There's some perception life in the Po' House is lonely, bitter, and mean but that's largely a projection from social networks where the endemic loneliness is so depressing I just run from it.  Saying I'm lonely works the same for any writer but I doubt you would hear many are or they likely wouldn't be writing anything you want to read.  Y'all keep pushing Ithaka up around a grand each day so there must be something here.

Ed:  Carol Kirkwood!

Get out (larfs).

The article about her was the only one to top being eaten by a Great White Shark in the Mediterranean and one thing I noticed about Moscow whenever that city would pop up in the sidebar was they weren't looking at anything political but rather Carol Kirkwood.

Kirkwood didn't just defeat the other articles, she absolutely annihilated them.  Here's a view of the Greatest Hits all-time.

Feb 25, 2013, 3 comments
Oct 4, 2013

Ed:  those Russkies are just looking for boobs?

Well, they have come to the right place for those, haven't they.

Whether Carol Kirkwood derives anything from the observation she does better here than being eaten by a shark is unknown.

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