Tuesday, January 31, 2017

One of Best All-Time Killer Queen Scenes from a Movie

From "Roxy and Michele's High School Reunion," we have justice presented to the Queen of the Mean Girls.

The scene is prime justice for going direct to the jugular on some major asshole but I don't remember any Queen Bitch from my high school.

Ed:  which one?

Good point.  There were four and my first was Davis, California.  The class beauty was Cristy McNichol and perhaps the name is misspelled but there's no attempt to offend since I have nothing nasty to say about her.  That's not because of a latent crush since I hardly knew her and maybe she really was a Holy Bitch but I was such a dork I never would have known it anyway.  For all I knew, she was a sweet and pretty girl and everyone thought she was great; that was about it.

So I have no need for a time machine to go back to find justice in high school and I've found one of the best things about a high school in adult life has been living where a high school isn't.

Ed:  but you still voted for school tax levies!

Of course I did but voting for their education doesn't mean I want to hang about with them while they acquire it.

Ed:  why do all these turn out about you?

It's not about me, mate, but Everyman's High School Experience and the story in the movie tells one immediately recognizable to people ... except I don't recognize it.

Ed:  because you're a dork!

That does seem the science of it.

Despite the huff and puff, teaching is something I might have liked and for the same reason my ol' Dad enjoyed it.  Lightin' fires in those junior rocket people could be a marvel to behold.

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