Sunday, January 29, 2017

Ocean Creatures Have Better Sex than You - Science

After the Missionary Position, half of the human world is out of ideas but that doesn't play underwater.  The sex in that realm may not be better but it's definitely more diverse.  (KPBS:  Ocean Creatures’ Sex Lives Are More Than A Little Weird)

One of the pics from the book may say it all.

Credit:  Missy Chimovitz

Image from the book, "Sex in the Sea," by Marah Hardt


Or maybe it doesn't say half enough.

Lobsters spray each other with pheromone-heavy urine from ducts under their eyes.  Male osedax, a type of worm, live inside the much larger females and pretty much shoot out sperm until they die.  Argonaut octopi can detach their phallus and aim it like a projectile into a female’s gills.


Even Penthouse Forum never came up with material which was twisted like this.

Marah Hardt is a qualified scientist and you find more about her at OceanInk.

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