Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Judging Everyone but Yourself

There's almost nothing in the news of any real content but there's enough sophomoric judgment flying about to satisfy the most ardent teenager; in fact, participants in a soap box derby are probably considerably more mature about winning and losing.  The sound of 'we really hate democracy' resounds in Twitter and it's getting almost as trivial as Facebook but at least there's the art.

The Rockhouse is pulling hard away from all the judgment, catcalling, and random stupidity which is so fashionable just now since there's really only question coming to mind here:  what the fuck did you think would happen.  Liberals and even those deeply-confused neoliberals don't like what Trump does so, gee, there's a shocker, right?

The regulars saw the Rockhouse call since no-one here believed Clinton would prevent a nuke war with Russia but at least there was the chance with Trump.  Amazingly enough, we don't believe people who tell us they care about children when they're also willing to fry millions of them to prove some puerile point.

My own disappointment is not the same since I had hoped for a straight-up, no-gloves fistfight in America to resolve once and for all whether abortion is legal but it just turned into another round of shadowboxing.  It's still not over ... and it's not really legal either so this changes in no way whatsoever how that dance card has played out ever since Roe versus Wade.

Read that as judgment if you like but it's how American democracy works and the concept of states rights is part of that.  Fix the system if it's your desire for any real action but bitching out Trump just reduces this to a high school girl fight in which the only objective is to tear off the other girl's blouse for the win.  That plays big in high school but it just makes our teeth itch now.

It looks to me like the Women's March played just the same as NFL Sunday insofar as it was forgotten by Tuesday ... but ... the protest at Standing Rock endures and the Rockhouse salutes them mightily.  The observation remains the same that any act of civil disobedience which doesn't result in some blood being spilled by the protesters isn't much more than a parade.  We have seen how the water protecters at Standing Rock have been suffering the spilling of their blood by the state throughout but they do not stand down and they exemplify the finest traditions of civil disobedience.

The more the post-election period is transmogrified into a simplistic personality contest, the more the Rockhouse walks (i.e. runs) away from it.  We have better things to do and we are doing them.

Ed:  but you neglect to record and throw only empty reports!

Well, they're not empty if you read them but I did fail to record anything.  I'll take the punch on that.

The Rockhouse is operating under the guidance of the thinking from Dick Gregory that if your light is not lighting the dark room then we need to bring more light.

Fair enough and hopefully you see that direction in that which comes from here.  Considering the number of readers lately, it does seem you want the same thing.

Ed:  freedom from state tyranny and oppression?

That's the thing.  We have sometimes different beliefs on how to achieve that but the thing I see more than anything else is the ones on each side who are not polarized so much they're dangerous with all the static electricity are the ones most likely to come by this neck of the woods.

Welcome and let freedom ring, huh?

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