Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Anarchy in the Not So Brave New World

Fifty percent of the people maintain a vibe of something between contempt and complete disinterest in any of the other voters.  About fifty percent of the remainder is more or less evenly split into two camps each of which believes is led by the New Messiah and that gives some clues on why dogs chase their own tails as, amazingly, that doesn't lead anyone anywhere either.

Some aspect of a woman's movement along with the World's Largest Yeast infection and barely literate support from CNN have been shrieking stridently but not convincingly about the need for a Revolution, Impeachment, or at least a cast on "The View" which offers something more than jelly rolls and swell parting gifts for the kids.

They so much feel the injustice experienced by Hillary "Big Bucks" Clinton and her witty and funny cast of CIA godfathers, paper tiger generals, and miscellaneous Middle Eastern weapons financiers.

The other minority which thinks it's a majority has been starting fires with great enthusiasm and the biggest hit so far was closing to the borders to Muslims from half a dozen countries or so.  Some admire Trump's reasoned response to something which seems to be a serious problem but the majority asks, just what the fuck do you think he will do after he gets away with that.

The Statue of Liberty weeps.

The general premise throughout Washington is the business of politics is too complicated for you to understand and therefore much must be classified to protect you from it.  The reality is Senators and Representatives get, in effect, lifetime sinecures and they keep those luxy positions toasty warm by deliberately contriving law so they're the only ones who know what's in it but frequently they have never even read it and vote as they are told.

Washington politicians make at least $175,000 annually and they only show up for work on less than one hundred and fifty scheduled days.

The anarchy grows but it still doesn't appear to mean all that much.  As with practically everything else with Clinton supporters, when it counted (i.e. Standing Rock), they weren't there.  Obama was bringing the state guns down hard on Standing Rock just as he did on Occupy Wall Street until he was publicly embarrassed for it but Trump won't stop and the anarchists won't stop him.  They get off too much on their own noise-making and, by the way, where are the cameras.

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