Saturday, December 17, 2016

Two Old Ladies in Wyoming Still Believe @POTUS

POTUS has consistently struck me as disrespectful and inelegant mixed with a touch of making it look military to pretend he's not the civilian commander.  I wondered how POTUS even came to exist and it turns out POTUS is just another Twitter hashtag.

There was another hashtag for today and now #TheExorcist has been called for Obama because he's so far gone over to the CIA Dark Side his head is spinning and he will start puking green stuff any time now.

So that's Twitter.  Unknown how Lotho has perceived Twitter but I found it's brutal relative to the passive compliance of people on Facebook.  At least Twitter can yield some interesting things to read sometimes whereas Facebook almost never does.

Ed:  so don't use it!

I hardly use it at all anymore.  Any pretense at reality in Facebook went up in oily smoke in this election.

Bernie Sanders was warning about the CIA - implemented by Harry Truman through consolidation of other agencies - from the start of his campaign.  He warned of how the CIA murdered Salvador Allende in Chile in the early sixties.  That tradition of ignoble savagery has been continued by them around the world ever since and you saw how the CIA deliberately set out to destroy Iraq over non-existent WMDs.

The CIA has been destroying democracy around the world for well almost seventy years and has utterly destroyed whatever vestige of integrity remained in Washington.

Obama is the living proof of it since presumably he was an honest man when he entered the White House but he sure isn't anymore.  At least a couple of old ladies in Wyoming still believe him.  They believe they bear an important torch for white people in showing their equanimity.  They're still idiots but they're nice ones.

If you want respect for America, it's never going to come as a result of anything the CIA or the NSA does.  You have seen the outrages and some of them first-hand as they have taken the Fourth Amendment, the protection against illegal search and seizure, and they have burned it in the town square.

Obama has blamed everyone except the Jolly Green Giant for his failure but expect him to get to the produce department any time now.

Ed:  all Obama ever produced was mindless combat!

His record will show it.  History won't be kind to Barack Obama and the neoliberals who supported this disgrace will only be remembered as the latest version of the Know Nothing Party from the 19th Century.

As a lifetime Democrat, I've seen nothing but betrayal from Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Bill Clinton.  If women even retain the right to vote after their blazing sell-out of the Democratic Party's principles, it will be a fuckin' miracle.  It's only women like Abby Martin, Susan Sarandon, Tulsi Gabbard, and Jill Stein who show us why women were ever given the right to vote in the first place.

Barack Obama claims he was fighting for democracy but we saw that manifested in America in how he sought to crush Occupy Wall Street.  (RT:  Ex-NYPD chief to stand trial in Occupy Wall Street police brutality case)

Obama was never fighting for democracy but rather he was fighting democracy itself and shamelessly.  He's lucky to get out of Washington without being tarred and feathered for what he did to our Democratic Party.


Anonymous said...

Havent found a use for twitter

Unknown said...

Hardly anyone has really (larfs)