Tuesday, December 6, 2016

#SecondLife Singularity Viewer 1.8.7 Pends

After hearing of substantial changes to avatars in Second Life today, I had to take a cruise through SL to discover whether my avatar still works.  I can happily report Silas is still his beautiful self.

Singularity Viewer 1.8.7 is the new viewer but it has not been released yet and the last production version of Singularity was released in September, 2014.  As you can see from the pic, it still works.

You can get the latest version of Singularity at Singularity Viewer and it's free.  That viewer has been my preference for some years since I've found it less crash-prone than others and my experience in SL is long so my toleration for viewer bugs is low.  I do remember when, after you would TP anywhere, your shoes would end up stuck to your backside ... cute stuff like that.

SL went to open source some time after that and the results, actually, have been spectacular.  We don't need an editorial on open source but, in this case, it worked splendidly.

Regrettably, there has been a bit of reversal with the Singularity crew but they're actively working on developing the new release and you may be interested to read about the features at the Singularity Viewer site.

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