Friday, December 9, 2016

Obama Gasps Again in Accusing Russia of Hacking

In a vain attempt to cover his own blazing incompetence and failure, Obama is charging the Russians with influencing the election by hacking.  The CIA has said they have no specific information on the matter but logic and common sense don't apply to the Washington Post anymore which, like the New York Times, was once respected as a source of news but they threw it away with biased reporting and fake news.

There's no link to the Washington Post article on the matter since anyone with a retention span longer than the guppies on the social networks already knows this story has played so many times already.

Turning it around, why is it anyone trusts the CIA in the first place when there's no evidence they get anything right.

- CIA failed to predict the break-up of the Soviet Union due to bankruptcy from weapons development

- CIA knew nothing of 9/11 and we don't believe it was a false flag event; they're just incompetent

- CIA invented the bullshit about WMDs in Iraq and started the sixteen years of terror we have seen as a result

If the CIA ever did anything which did work then they classified it so the people would not see it.  Ergo, the CIA has nothing to do with the people of America and is only concerned with the special interests of the oligarchy.

Ed:  they're just tools?

Yep.  And they're not even Craftsman.

Note:  Sears is all but dead as another victim of the American oligarchical horror since they were murdered by the low-wage sweatshop in Wal-Mart.  That I shop there is only because there's nowhere else to get the stuff because they destroyed all of the competion by undercutting them.

America was strong when the unions were strong and these days it couldn't even defeat Iraq; it couldn't defeat Syria; it continues with the endless wars it doesn't even win.

Five or six Russian financial institutions were handed DnS (i.e. Denial of Service) attacks and just who do you suppose did that.  America always blames somewhere else for it with the implication 'the dirty Communists' did it so who will they blame now when the Communists gave it up over thirty years ago and Russia is as capitalist as anywhere else in the world.

The difference between Russian or Chinese capitalism is the Chinese find any corrupt businessmen and shoot them.  The Russians bust them and heavily-penalize them financially.

America puts them in the White House.

I've already seen Lotho is not pleased with Trump's appointments any more than I so that gives freedom to continue.  It's not my purpose to piss him off but Washington deserves the rage and has been deserving of it for decades in being, by far, the worst source of violence in the world.

Obama started as a Democrat but he's just a simple despot now.  Maybe he fantasizes he's FDR working through WWII but Obama doesn't amount to even a pimple on FDR's ass.  The American unions built the weapons used for America to win its part of the war and ever since then, actually from the thirties, America has been trying to destroy the unions.

The state sent the goons to crack the heads of people on union picket lines and they do the same thing now at Standing Rock where they have been shooting the first Americans with rubber bullets and water cannon, the same thing they have been doing ever since the inception of Manifest Destiny, albeit with better weapons, as they try to exterminate the American Indians altogether.

Then the Americans ask where the strength went.

Gee, I wonder.

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