Friday, December 9, 2016

About Writing Poetry

It feels like simple arrogance to talk of my poetry in a world which gave us Dylan Thomas, Shakespeare, and so many others.

Nevertheless, I do write poetry and Mystery Lady was beautifully encouraging about it.  Mansuetude has become a favorite word due to its weirdness but gentleness is a beautiful thing and she is imbued with more of it than you will ever find quickly in anyone else.

It may well be fair to say I've subjugated my poetry to the politics and you can see all over the media:  politics is easy and poetry is hard.

Note:  that's stolen from Noel Coward whose dying words were:

Dying is easy; comedy is hard - Noel Coward

It's most important to have some clever dying words and he nailed them.  Too bad Einstein spoke German and his nurse didn't know the language (seriously).

Ed:  it's the difference between art and a hog wallow!

What's a hog wallow?

No idea.  Do I look like I ever lived on a farm??  (larfs)

Note 1:  I'm sure I would have loved it as there's enlightenment to some of the most important things that way and they're things one can't see any other way.

Note 2:  those who really know pigs tell me they're actually surprisingly clean animals.

Note 3:  goats are the bandits.  You need to watch out for those rascals.

Ed:  is there a lack of balls in failing to write more poetry?

I haven't really thought I was avoiding anything.  My interests are wide and that's one of them.

Ed:  maybe that's a cop too

Yup.  You're Kreskin the Mind Reader, right?  (larfs)

Reviewing the ballsiness of the situation doesn't gain much since how much testosterone one may be pumping is important when you're twenty but it don't mean nothin' when you're sixty-six.

Ed:  unless you're Mick Jagger?

Roger that.  I expect the relationship with a young and beautiful lady may have some bearing on that.

In making art, it comes back to the ganja and I give the appearance of addiction but it was to a different thing.  Self-esteem was so low I didn't think anyone would want to see me if I wasn't packing any.  I've also gutted myself with the idea various types of drugs enhance your art.  While I know that's not generally true, still in my heart I wonder, even now.

Ed:  self-esteem never changed much, did it?

Nope (larfs).

Getting a bit more mechanical with it, I've been trying to learn new words through much of my life because I love the language, crazy as English may be (i.e. definitely is), and I love playing with words.  I'm not particularly good at witty cocktail party repartee but that's a different kind of word play.

My interest in the language also includes the street and I love that as well.  That type of writing is dangerous since I read some guy trying to use a black dialect but I was reading and thinking, man, you're not black.

Note:  there's nothing racist in that since many black people, particularly young ones, delight in keeping that dialect as dynamic as possible, maybe because it defines cultural identity, white people are mystified by it, or a combination of things.  I don't know since I'm not black.

In my view, it doesn't make much difference if it's slang or a dialect since that seems like semantic quibbling.  It's a highly colorful thing, whatever it is.

Some revile street language as violating standards of decency but that word doesn't mean too much when the same people tolerate state executions.

It seems this comes down to Lotho's favorite mantra:  figure it out.  I'll add an extension to that with 'figure it out ... and get cracking.'

Therefore, do that.

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