Monday, December 12, 2016

Father Christmas is Downsizing and Reindeer are Shrinking

In the last twenty years or so the average weight of reindeer sank by a significant percentage.  This is directly attributed to climate change due to the reduction in the available food supply.  (Science Daily:  Reindeer are shrinking: Will Santa need more to pull his sleigh?)

We will make the case and then shoot at it because we have a problem with it.

Ecologists from the James Hutton Institute, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research and Norwegian University of Life Sciences have worked in the high Arctic since 1994, measuring and weighing the reindeer. Each winter they catch, mark and measure 10-month-old calves, returning each year to recapture them and track their size and weight as adults.

The survey shows that over 16 years, the adult reindeers' weight declined by 12% -- from 55kg for those born in 1994 to just over 48kg for those born in 2010.

- Science Daily

There you see it's confirmed and their observations show this really did happen.

The third factor at play is that over the past 20 years, reindeer numbers have doubled, so greater competition for food in winter could also help explain the shrinking reindeer.

All of which could spell disaster for this iconic Christmas species, Albon warns: "The implications are that there may well be more smaller reindeer in the Arctic in the coming decades but possibly at risk of catastrophic die-offs because of increased ice on the ground."

- Science Daily

That last bit takes the biscuit because it's just not complete without the doom and gloom; oh, oh, the reindeer are so screwed.  Even as a staunch advocate of environmental matters, some of this material goes over the edge for me.

Here at the Rockhouse we have a big problem with this since climate change is the only cause attributed and we see nothing of habitat encroachment or anything of that nature.  That's not science but case-building and we don't like it.

Assuming all Republicans are stupid is absurd and some will see this and think, yep, I can use that.  They can easily pitch the article as an example of bad science and don't miss for moment the fact they're watching.

We note also the increase in population in the reindeer and it's not clear if they regard that as another disaster but that's generally the Circle of Life with herd beasts.  They populate until they starve themselves out, lose all the weakest, and repeat.  It's the same reason for shooting deer as that, ostensibly, helps them by preventing some of the starvation.

We're the last ones you can call denialists regarding climate change but we want the science straight-up if it will really represent.


Anonymous said...

Father Christmas is downsized. BofA no longer will allow me to deposit money in your account. I have tried 3 branches. I will try my old branch but I dont know.

Unknown said...

Thank you for trying. I sure can't explain the silly rules they adopt and I'm seriously glad I'm not in one anymore. Thinking it is the same goodness as doing it and that's true as the moment I saw you mention that I thought, well, isn't that nice. That was a whole lot of Christmas right there.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the thought that counts is not really true. Ask anyone that someone drives by thinking I should help them. They are still cold hungry and screwed but someone thought about helping

Anonymous said...

I land back in Nashville this morning and will go to a bank that cares when I walk in the door. The ladies there will probably overlook the new rules for me

Unknown said...

In many cases, the thought doesn't do much as they think about all kinds of things online. In other cases, it does work just the same because the thought was immediately touching.

I do appreciate that you try and some Christmas came already but not to me directly. Yevette had some luck and I've been egging her on to replace the comp because using a one-shot on things which don't last sucks. That will happen so that's a gas to see.

It's five-years-old but it's got the good specs and should more than meet her needs. Her current machine has lasted almost eleven years. They sure have been building them better and better.

Anonymous said...

Check your account

Unknown said...

I did check when I realized it was payday and then I saw, wow, what's this??

Thank you! I'll try to keep Christmas back the best I can from this end because the advent calendars are already counting so it's definitely time. Ho, ho, ho!