Thursday, July 7, 2016

Wiring Your Blog for Facebook

There's one tiny problem with writing on social networks ... no-one reads it except maybe your mother or your dog.

Blogs aren't even new enough to qualify for antediluvian but there's one salient aspect to a blog:  it works and people will read it if interested by the topic.

The first thing on getting the blog established and people reading it is, yep, must find more people.

Connect your blog to your Twitter account

TwitterFeed is one of many mechanisms which will post titles from your articles to Twitter soon after you post them.  In this way, those who follow you on Twitter will know new material exists and perhaps they should take a look.

Note:  #hashtags are your friends and, yes, I loathe using them just as much as likely you do or will.

Connect Twitter to Facebook

The process is a bit arcane but kick it off from Facebook and it will give you the step-by-steps for the connection.

Note:  be careful about letting things post both ways since you probably won't want things you write on Facebook or other to be posted to Twitter since that can make a ping pong effect of use to no-one. Probably you will only want to funnel your Twitter traffic into Facebook.

Connect your blog to Google+

This step is easily performed from within the Blogger setup in which you indicate, yep, post through to G+ whenever you write to your blog and that will henceforth happen reliably.

With those mechanisms, writing something has a pachinko effect since you write the article for the blog and then post it but that's when it starts bouncing to other networks as well.  That aspect is kind of amusing to behold but the fundamental is because even if people read your stuff nowhere else, they may read it on a blog.  The probability of anyone reading your deathless comments declines rapidly depending on how much distance away from the blog.

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