Sunday, July 3, 2016

How Hillary Clinton Killed Facebook

The general drone of Facebook yap transmogrified to full screech with Election 2016 and there's been little else since.  There's also been little change to the content since the Clintonites only say you mustn't vote for Donald Trump because NAZIs.

In concert with that are reams of pitches about the horror of Donald Trump, apparently from people who assume you didn't notice when they posted exactly the same thing the day before.

There seems to be little else and on a ratio of about 75:25 for specious political philosophy versus general life trivia and I may be too generous with the latter.  Facebook has been almost entirely swallowed by cellulite.

There's almost nothing which makes any righteous pitch in terms of vote for Clinton because she supports fracking and so do I or any other substantive matter of position.  Fracking is a bullshit position but at least it's honestly reflecting the platform ... it's also one you never hear from them.

The hipsters tell us negative campaigning is the nature of the times but that's the same logic which let Muhammad fuck children when around fifty he took a nine-year-old wife.

(Ed:  that was over a thousand years ago!)

Right.  So you needed a lesson not to bone a child, did you?  Was there a book you had to read?

(Ed:  if he had read the Bible, he wouldn't have turned out that way!)

He did.  How do you think Jesus turned up as a prophet in the Koran.

Meanwhile, Facebook smells like mackerel stinking in the noonday sun with all this half-baked political rot.  They hammer on Trump as a dangerous killer but that only shows a blithe ignorance of Clinton's record.

Shallow.  Superficial.  Meaningless.

In the social network medium which was generally trivial anyway, this has broken all limits for turgid sophistry.

Thus there is now the #JustFuckItParty which has no candidate because every party has some damn candidate or other and almost all of them run because otherwise no-one listens to them unless they get drunk at wedding receptions where people can't escape.  We won't vote for anyone because you know it already ...

all together now ... THEY ALL SUCK!

That attitude is common as I hear from people increasingly often that they have washed their hands of this charade of an election because it's insulting and there's no reason any longer to participate it ... so now there's the #JustFuckItParty.

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