Thursday, October 1, 2015

Medical Mayhem in the Ayhem plus Miscellaneous Miscellany

Some improvement but mostly I get hush puppies.  It was tiresome to write anything when nothing much changes.  Managing the panic has become somewhat easier but it's unclear whether that comes from awareness of the problem or recession of the effects of the Klonopin withdrawal.

Doctor (i.e. P.A.) in the morning and likely this will set off a series of diagnostics.  That's what will set off the fishing test and the question remains as to whether the fish is worth catching.  That's not any valuation on myself but rather a review of what they will do to me to keep me being myself.

Note:  my primary doctor at Veterans Administration is not a doctor.  She is highly-talented but she's not a doctor.  She is first to tell you as she's not pretending anything.  The VA does the best it possibly can with what it gets (i.e. not much).  She's tough and she works long hours, much longer than required.  She's known only as Kersa, she's that kind of cool, and they speak of her with great respect in the clinic.

A statement of direction will be validated tomorrow regarding DNR Type A and this is the most fundamental form of Do Not Resuscitate which takes effect only for drama in which they could bring you back but you probably won't want them to do it, at least I wouldn't (e.g. heart attack, stroke).  In the latter case, stab me in the eyes with steely knives before that.

Without the guitar, breathing has no value.  It's what I do.  I'm high risk for both so it seems a reasonable precaution. The discussion isn't closed but unknown if better via voice than text to carry it anywhere.

The objective isn't simply to whine and wail as maybe somebody gets something from it, even if it's only, dayum, I'm NEVER doing what that dumb sumbitch did.

Note:  be careful about what you decide not to do as cigarettes have been infinitely more destructive than anything else in my life, even the U.S. Army and various girlfriends over a history as dodgy as Evel Knievel's history of crashing motorcycles.

Mystery Lady, this probably means being out the door by 10 a.m. Texas / 11 a.m. Ohio.  Prior to that likely won't work well.  Yevette had some big hassles today so unknown if the telephone did anything.

Diet is the biggest bitch as getting anything halfway healthy is so difficult.  I much prefer eating Greek for taste and health but ... every time I catch one, the Greek runs away.

Maestro, rim shot, please.  Hat tip to Rodney Dangerfield.

The doctor at JPS was unimpressive as his knowledge in several areas was weak.  For example, he had never heard of a visual migraine.  My only thought at that point was, dayum, did you read ANY of the medical books.

Note:  I have one starting now.  If you know the diamond of snakes, you know how it goes.  As soon as you see the snakes, it's best to stop whatever you are doing.  But that doesn't deter the mania.  Acid doesn't make you crazy but this does.  Unclear whether it's best to Jedi the snakes back into the cave as that can have other consequences.

(Ed:  thanks from all the stoners.  They all ran into the street screaming about snakes in the cave.)

We aim to please.

More happens than the Klonopin withdrawal and that's been one massive bitch.  How much I'm willing to take to discover what else is happening remains to be seen.  This is not defeatist as you have to take hold of this stage of things because no-one else will.  That's nothing to do with friends and family but rather being a ping pong ball in an underfunded system.

Sorry it's not all that funny but it's rough-riding these days and you can check out Jessica Valenti in her tight li'l blue jeans but this is real and it comes as it will.  She's on The Guardian talking about feminism and her tight li'l blue jeans.  A more stultifyingly boring date would be tough to imagine.

Yah, Jessie girl, that is a word.  Love your journalism.  Don't ever change.

We need visions from eagles and instead we get them from turtles.  Yes, Donald Trump said he would immediately deport any space aliens which land on Earth.

When asked what if the space aliens try to deport him, Trump replied, "The hair is actually aluminum foil and that protects me from their alien space rays.  See, always thinking.  Smart.  Very smart."

We also heard from Carly Fiorina and asked her for her position on Syria.  She replied, "Abortion."

We asked her about management of Wall Street speculation and cowboy behavior there.  She replied, "Abortion."

And so on.

Mostly the GOP just screws with us as they're not stupid, they're not going to vote for these morons either.  They laugh until they cry seeing Socialists getting panicked over it, tho.

Conehead 1:  Oy, oy, did you see what this pinko said about Rand Paul??

Conehead 2:  Wah, he's still running??

Conehead 1:  I guess so.  So the Socialist pinko said Rand Paul is the bastard son of Newt Gingrich.

Conehead 2:  No shit??  Nice job!

Conehead 1:  Serious!  Great, isn't it.  There was another saying Marco Rubio fucks cheerleaders using his cellphone.  Who writes this stuff for them?

Conehead 2:  No idea but they're killin' me.  Say, how about another tok on the pipe, my bruthaaaa?

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