Monday, January 25, 2016

Would Have More Rights As a Refugee

The current thinking is to get a bus ticket on payday and head into Mexico to disappear after that.  The situation here is hopelessness of an order you could not possibly understand.  The observation here is people will take everything they can possibly get and give nothing in return.  After half a million reads, only four people ever supported the blog.

It's an exceptionally simple country largely because it's 'purified' any character out of itself and there's nothing left except Donald Trump as a fat-ass, pasty-faced piece of shit billionaire singing of the glory of white people and he gets tumultuous applause because the GOP is too spineless to do anything about it.  Trump even has Aunt Tomasina, Katrina Pierson, who is black but talks about 'half-breeds' and still the Republicans say nothing.

Note:  at one time, miscegenation was the crime of marriage between races.  Mulatto was another word for 'half-breed' and Noam Chomsky, before his activist period, wrote of the importance of language to world view.  Mulatto was one word but there were multiple others for different combinations of races and this brought a granularity to racism in the form of vapid viciousness.

In again defining such words and bringing them back into use, the world view of the people using them necessarily changes in the same way as Eskimos with twenty words for snow.  'Half-breed' and other such terms are words to describe things which (cough) are not snow.

So we could make big bucks doing that, by hyping Donald Trump, guns, and the sacred vow in the Doctrine of Manifest Destiny to destroy anyone who is not white.  You can see shitloads of GOP opportunists doing exactly that.

We won't because there is still some pride left in America and we may be all that's left of it.  We have no guns; we don't hate anybody; we don't want to hurt anyone.

All in all, tho, we don't give a fuck.  The teeth are so destroyed that biting is impossible and all that's left is soup or gnawing food like an animal.

To those four people who tried to help, thank you.  To the others, well ...

(Ed:  what about the people who stole your kit?  Don't you want to kill them?)

Who cares.  They're probably getting ass-fucked in a Texas jail by now.  Thieves never learn.  The biggest problem is people I thought were friends who sat on the sidelines and watched but didn't do anything.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the Greek dentist needs retraining. Have you looked into plastics to solve this issue
I assume that the VA only covers dental if it was,service related

Anonymous said...

You should follow Yvettes advice and research plastic solutions.
Get a real time hard dollar amount and setup a gofundme account tied to your page.
I cant fund it all but can prime the pumps

Anonymous said...

The plastic part is relatively cheap The big cost sounds like it comes from the prep aspects.

Anonymous said...

Mexico might not be the answer as the Capo kill on average of 10 people a day. 20k over the last 6 years

Unknown said...

The teeth Georgia did are some of the few remaining.

Those numbers make Mexico much safer since gunners here kill people at six times that rate. At the current rate, even cops would kill about sixty-six hundred in that time so it appears to me the Capo people are amateurs.

I appreciate your intentions (honestly!) but GoFundMe just got me insulted the last time. There was one with 'let us see if he knows when he is being insulted' but I didn't respond to it because it was such a cowardly effort. That, in large part, was why I withdrew it.