Sunday, December 6, 2015

Requirement of a Gun License for Weapons Ownership

Really interesting for the Socialist Left to discover is the method used in Germany to deal with personal weapons: a license specifically for weapons ownership.  If you have a gun and you do not have a license, they will bust you hard, likely including prison.

Here on the Socialist Left, we can make this deal.  It provides top-to-bottom accountability for the weapon and that alone will prevent an enormous number of killings.  Sure you can file off the serial number but that's an instant bust if you're caught.

We don't give one hair off a rat's ass about gun control and we don't even want to hear about it.  We want a gun solution because they will not go away and we are sick to fucking death of half-ass attempts at solutions which go nowhere until the entire process is repeated, without change, the next time some raving nutjob goes off a'shootin'.

We don't care why nutjobs go off on shooting rampages.  One day it's because the Grand Hairy al Bejeebi Imam from the Mosque at Mecca said she should do it and the next is because this raving lunatic didn't like Batman movies.

Either way, I don't fucking care why they do it because the end result is the same:  lots of dead people who are shot all to hell.

So, we like the compromise.  If you have a valid reason for a weapon then you can obtain the weapons license.  Where likely opposition comes is in specification of 'protection' as a reason for the weapon.  In America, protection is frequently the justification used for purchase of the weapon but the question is never asked, 'protection from what?'

You know ... threats ... home invasion ... you know ...

Actually, I don't know.

I can handle a weapon but I haven't used one in over forty years.  Anyone coming into the house for illegal purpose will almost certainly have more experience with the weapon and it will be recent.  I'm out-matched before I even reach for the weapon.

Besides, no-one is coming in here for illegal intent, at least not unless they're carrying a bag of reefer and then we can be all kinds of illegal ... but ... there are no guns involved, not ever.

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