Sunday, December 6, 2015

Bummerastical Biopsy Day on the Morrow

For anyone keeping score, the biopsy comes in on Pearl Harbor Day.  Now ain't that some joy to the world.

The only significance is for guitar play.  Probability is high they will remove this thing and it has conveniently located itself on my left forearm.  It won't take major surgery but it's more than a clinic visit to remove it and the consequence of that will be some period of no-play time.  The right arm has obvious importance in guitar play but it's not the muscle work of the left arm; to really 'find' a note, you have to own it and it takes your whole arm to do it.

Everything about this sucks but most suck less.  The worst result is it's malignant.  Well ... this is ugly.  Probability from the doctor my friend brought into it shows it's unlikely but best to be sure.  And, yep, sure is much better.

The sucks less part is the thing still has to go so day-to-day will get strange for a while.

We can skip the editorial for VA needs more money for more resources to stop these three-month waits.  Vote for Bernie.

Note:  Clinton couldn't possibly be more out.  After all the time she has spent as Secretary of State and waving military daggers at others, she knew nothing of the status of the VA.  Go home, lady.  This is not your game.

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