Saturday, December 5, 2015

Neo-Femmes and the Military Draft

Just now Obama considers adding women to the military draft and that will require them to register, just as with men.  There is no active draft but the system exists.  If women are to fulfill combat roles then presumably they should be draft-eligible in the same way as men.  (RT:  White House mulls women in military draft as Pentagon opens combat roles)

Neo-femmes (i.e. it's all about me rather than all about everyone) should have one carnival field day with the draft.  How do you like equality now, li'l snowflake.

When I asked if these jeans make my ass look fat, that does not imply I care if my ass looks fat in fatigues; I don't want to know.

Here at the Rockhouse, we advocate a universal mandatory draft which has an option for non-military service, just as exists with various other countries.  If you have a conscientious objection to combat, that's fine so let's see your service in a hospital or for the parks or for anything whatsoever in contribution to the country.

We have prattled previously about how these endless so-called wars would stop if anyone could be drafted to serve in them, just as the people stopped Vietnam.  People won't put up with that mindless carnage.

The interest now is what happens with women involved in it too.  The beauty part is throwing it at Clinton:

So, Hilly ... honey ... what do you say to women in the draft, huh?

Note:  I will continue to mock any candidate for whom every word uttered was bought and sold using corporate PAC money.  There is only one who does not do that and Clinton is not the one.

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