Saturday, December 5, 2015

Twitticisms 12/5 - 1

12-05-2015 13:14:23 - Damn, officer, you made me spill my cocaine via @YahooNews
12-05-2015 12:54:31 - Ithaka Blog: Neo-Femmes and the Military Draft: Just now Obama considers adding women to the military draft an...
12-05-2015 12:23:06 - White House mulls women in military draft as Pentagon opens combat roles — RT USA
12-05-2015 12:18:07 - Apple programming language Swift goes open source via @AppleInsider
12-05-2015 10:03:48 - If @BernieSanders were not running in this election, there would be nothing interesting enough about it to follow.
12-05-2015 09:58:07 - Searching for Ithaka: Oh, You Spent Thousands on Your Guitar, Did You?
12-05-2015 09:22:51 - Another Facebook funny is how they post memes on how to be strong. I'm still not clear how much strength is needed to use Facebook, tho.
12-05-2015 09:17:57 - Ithaka Blog: People Hate Me Because I'm Boring: Actually they don't, honey bunny.  You weren't interesting eno...
12-05-2015 08:53:23 - ‘Police integrity lost’: Number of cops charged with murder or manslaughter triples in 2015
12-05-2015 08:50:50 - Cops have killed 1048 American civilians this year. They are being observed world-wide:
12-05-2015 08:44:10 - The cop organizations studying San Bernardino are the same ones which have failed to stop a single terror attack in America.
12-05-2015 08:41:16 - Texas backs down from effort to block Syrian refugees (i.e. Ken Paxton makes a racist fool of himself) | Fox News |
12-05-2015 08:36:37 - @realDonaldTrump rally trashed by protesters - now he whines, "I didn't think anyone would fight back!" @CNNPolitics
12-05-2015 00:04:56 - Ithaka Blog: H.R. 1735 - National Defense Authorization Act: The H.R. 1735 measure to provide for the National...
12-04-2015 23:13:09 - Ithaka Blog: "The Holy Quran Experiment" (video): Some of you know well the content of the Bible and there is ...
12-04-2015 22:12:54 - Ithaka Blog: "The Spook Who Sat By the Door" (video - full movie w/interview): The Spook Who Sat by the Door i...
12-04-2015 21:17:25 - Ithaka Blog: Twitticisms Turned into Fastest Resource on the Blog for Multiple Social Networks: The Twitticism...
12-04-2015 17:53:26 - Russian 9-11 Memorial - I had never heard of it before and did not believe via @YouTube

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