Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Fiddlin' About on Song Making

The object was to get the text for "The Sanctuary Song" down to the iPad and, despite the ultra pain in the ass way it's necessary to accomplish that, doing it shouldn't take more than a few minutes ... unless iOS needs to upgrade to 9.1.  I care about as much for iOS 9.1 as for a date with Carly Fiorina but least iOS 9.1 doesn't bite when it's angry.

So that took a long time and that's the only solid move forward because that's ready for a trial.

The digression is what to do about glasses and lasers.  There's no way to use the iPad for lyrics without requiring the reading glasses.    Memorizing lyrics doesn't work and never did because I remember melodies but not the words which go with them.  Some of you are walking songbooks but it doesn't work quite the same with me.

Switching to sunglasses when I'm done with the lyrics is ludicrous (maybe) but the choice if I don't is to take some amount of bounce back lasing while I do this.  Deliberately looking into a live laser, particularly one of these, will almost certainly do damage and, I guess, fairly quickly.  All of the lasers here are moving through programmed motions so getting lased means a brief flash.  It's sure not good for your eyes but, I guess, it's not going to destroy them unless you do it a lot.

My eyes have been flashed as above many times but there's no discernible result from that.  I don't see any residual patterns from them and the only change over time is the need for greater magnification in reading glasses but that progression was happening anyway.

The other part of the digression is trying to get the smoke machine outside for the monk on the porch scene.  There's a cheesy Halloween $5.95 monk robe and it could look halfway convincing ... with a bit of smoke.  It looked impossible to move the smoke machine out there but I wasn't in such good condition when I tried and things are improved from that.  The biggest hassle is the thing needs about fifteen minutes to warm up.  The biggest logistical problem is the slightest breeze will dissipate the smoke quickly.

Right after smoke, the next thought is ... well ... lights sure would look cool.  That loops back to thinking ... do you really need smoke out there.  It will a long power cord out there anyway and putting a power strip on it wouldn't be a problem so ... yep, this has to happen.

Thursday will have a high of 60F and that's the best for the week.  They talk about a 6 mph wind and even that may be too much.  That will need a weather out the window test because much lower than that probably wouldn't come except in Summer time as in August when it gets humid and dead still.

There's a lot of bouncing about, agitation, blah de blah ... there's madness afoot in the world and hearing of it isn't news because it's only madness within some other madness.  It would be a relief to be insane in more ways because then it would make sense.  Samaritrophobia, something referenced earlier by Lotho but not quoted directly, is the 'hysterical indifference to the troubles of those less fortunate than oneself' and it's apparent everywhere.

When yet another crazy white gunman shoots up someplace, immediately the gunners close ranks to get defensive.  When someone is asked whether spending a trillion dollars on the F-35 program is Socialism, he runs away.  You need to be careful with those ones.  Whenever there is blind love of the Party, bad things almost always come.

Most of all there is indifference to all except those the privileged deem acceptable and they shower money on them via GoFundMe and other mechanisms.  It's widely-known there is a great deal of poverty in the U.S. and there are many without health care but the privileged argue about root causes and nothing happens.  Every piece of madness has another one wrapped around it.

Lotho's reference to samaritrophobia was about communities and there are many ways people could support each other but mostly we don't.  Politicians will make appearances at food for the homeless rallies but it's the only time they ever go and it only lasts long enough for the photo op but the crowd goes hoo-rah, look what we did for the homeless.  The same applies regarding wealth disparity as it seems only sensible for the wealthiest in the community to help raise the poorest through meaningful assistance rather than handouts so low incomes go up, property values rise for everyone, the bank smiles.

It's debilitating insofar as there is no way to prevent hearing of it or to prevent hoping some sense will emerge from the hysteria.  Meanwhile the song can't live without the belief the musical Sanctuary is real but that is one flaming bitch when there's a whirlpool of disaster everywhere else.  I do believe in the Sanctuary and I know it because that's the only pure peace I know.  There are different kinds of peace such as after sex or, taking one huge leap, in a misty Spring morning.  The peace in this musical Sanctuary tries to get to another plane in which there is no physical aspect to it, there's no identity but rather there's a communion and there is no denomination because all the rules are on a different plane.  Earthly matters are irrelevant.

The Dutch call it gezellig when there is such perfection nothing needs to be said because everyone there already knows.  German has Gemütlichkeit which is an unspoken comfort or coziness but those who really know the languages may differentiate between the meanings.  There isn't a word in English for the same things but those concepts should be true in Sanctuary or it's not really a sanctuary and you would know it intuitively.

(Ed:  this is way out of the jam jar, Guitar Gonzo)

Not so much because all of this feeds into how it goes to play.  It's not blues about something which has happened but rather it's music out of right now.  It's the same and kind of different because it's implicit, to some extent, that you survived whatever caused those blues or you would not be singing the song but it's not so clear anyone will survive the madness outside.  Whether the Sanctuary is really survival or a temporary illusion is not something which will be answered by the song ... nor should it be.  That part is your call.

It's all for focus because any part of it could still change.

And there's another breeze since there was an announcement on MSNBC of people who had contributed to KindFund which gets clothes for low-income children or something of that nature.  They named the Mystery Lady as one of the contributors.  Yevette said she was not sure if it was her but I said it's kind of cooler not to know.

Note:  many charities are deceitful and this season abounds with them.  They may have highly-professional presentations but, unless you know positively a charity really does send your donations through to needy people, don't give them a dime.  There are multiple resources on the Internet for identifying the percentage of income various charities end up disbursing to those in-need.  Some highly well-known charities have despicable records in this regard.

Likely it will be no surprise Salvation Army takes the least for itself and gives the highest-percentage of donations to people who need them.

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