Wednesday, December 2, 2015

And the Revelation in Being

Got a thing for poofy titles this morning but this goes to the stagecoach robbery of an epiphany about a segue from "The Sanctuary Song" to "Hey Baby" in "The End of the World in Fort Worth."

(Ed:  when was "Hey Baby" part of it)

The song has been part of it for some while ... but it didn't fit so I didn't do it.

And the stagecoach robbery of an epiphany (drum roll):  steal it from "Rainbow Bridge" and the way Hendrix did it.  He played a chord, picked some notes from within it, moved to the next, and continued until he wound up on A minor to begin the first verse.

"The Sanctuary Song" ends on F minor but that's ok as a path exists up to A minor and this has coolness for me because "The Sanctuary Song" describes the Sanctuary and, hopefully, shows it to you ... but ... "Hey Baby" asks if you would like to go.

This is really jammin' for me because "The Sanctuary Song" has as much of a high-production feel as can come from using a looper whereas "Hey Baby" doesn't use any other instruments in the way I do it.  The looper on the Boss GT-100 is used and this one doesn't tag to the drum machine, synthesizer, etc.  There's a much more personal vibe to it because you know who I mean when I sing Hey Baby to you.  It's much more personal also for me because I know it also.

(Ed:  Cat?  Me?  Everyone?)

One of the above, all of the above, you know already so how should I tell you something you already know.

(Ed:  don't give me this Zen crap!)

Everything I do comes through the vapor so what else would I give you.

(Ed:  I am going to stab you!)

Go ahead.  It's all virtual and may improve your vibe.

I'm really, really diggin' the idea ... and thanks to Hendrix for letting me steal it.

(Ed:  "Rainbow Bridge 2015?")

It does seem so but I've said that many times in a round-about way.

There's always a catch and that's whether it needs video to show it ends with the Grand Spirit Communion in hugely-psychedelic blazes of light and glory ... or not.  The way I have liked ending "Hey Baby" is to bring it back down to clean but flanged guitar for more of a drifting off in peace vibe.  Of one thing I'm really sure, I don't want to add effects or so in post-processing via Final Cut.  It's easy enough to do that but there's reality in the video unreality and distortion of that after the fact only creates madness.

(Ed:  I'm tellin' you, any more of this Zen crap and I stab!)

Yah, that will about do it for me as well.  There's no doubt of theft in this and that will need some reconciliation ... but the flow and the vibe of this are perfect to what I want to say.  Here's the Sanctuary and, by the way, would you like to come along.

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