Monday, December 16, 2013

There's a Redneck and a Gun Inside

There aren't so many examples of people going into farmhouses to maim or steal as there's a good chance there is a gun inside the farmhouse.  Even more dangerous, there's probably a redneck holding it.  (Probability of a gun in an American farmhouse:  near 100%)

There are two kinds of rednecks.  The first is the one who annoys everyone as he is the irritating cretin who hangs out in a bar and endlessly repeats stupid things he heard on Fox News, most likely from the television in the bar because his dumb ass can't afford one of his own.  The other kind of redneck is the salt of the earth kind who got his neck red from working in the fields of his farm every damn day of his life.  He doesn't talk so much.  He doesn't have fuckin' time.

Those farmhouse weapons are the Constitution Guns and likely farmers don't bother too much with handguns as they're not that good for protection anyway.  If you want to protect the missus and the young 'uns and you stand up with a shotgun, likely any hooligans will quickly slink away.

Only the most rabid gun control advocates have any issue with ownership of these types of weapons. Rifles and shotguns fulfil precisely the words of the Constitution as a handgun is quite obviously a ridiculously useless weapon for use by a militia.  Such weapons are required for a farm for protection, shooting varmints, or putting down an animal that just isn't going to get better.  These things are necessary and there is no contest about them.

However, we reject categorically how the Constitution has been transmogrified from the utilitarian purposes of gun ownership listed above to the current manifestations in which the right to privacy and the Second Amendment combine to permit a concealed carry law.  There's nothing faintly resembling such a thing in the Constitution or Bill of Rights but the words are twisted and now you can carry a weapon secretly into a restaurant where you are more likely to be killed by the food than a shooter.

The Constitution is used as a cynical veil to permit any kind of weapon a deviant might desire and this goes up to ownership of tanks and all manner of military hardware that doesn't even really belong in a museum, much less a private collection.

So now there's a redneck and a tank inside ... except the rednecks are not the ones who collect tanks, AK-47s, or other types of military ordnance.  A tank is useless for hunting coyotes, an AK-47 is only a short-range combat weapon, and the ordnance is useless as most hunters prefer animals without shrapnel in them.

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