Monday, December 30, 2013

I Want a Gun for Christmas, Mom - Updated

There's a series online featuring gunners whose dreams came true on Christmas when they got assault rifles.  I don't know about you but when I think of the Baby Jesus, the next thought that comes into mind is that it would be so fantastic to have a military-style assault weapon that can rip the shit out of the enemy in close-range combat.  I thought that was just me until I saw these pictures.  If these don't give you hope for 2014, I don't know what will.

First off we have Bambi, the Gunner Queen:

See Bambi for your guns or your Mary Kay cosmetics, she's got it all.  She's got a pretty head.  Too bad there's nothin' in it.

Said Bambi, "I like to stroke it before I go to sleep."

And then she quickly added, "But first I always check the safety!"

Then she giggled.

Here we have Gunner Runner-Up Number One:

The NRA says it strongly recommends weapons training for responsible gun ownership.  Yah, right.  Look at where the kid has his finger.  This one was voted most likely to shoot up a high school before 2014 is out.

Here we have Gunner Runner-Up Number Two:

Here's another dime store Rambo who doesn't know what the hell he's doing.  He's going to get killed trying to rob a liquor store when he's nineteen.  Such a shame.

Best of all, the Texas High School Debating Team:

There's not enough aggregated IQ in the room to manage an ant farm.

There's nothing that's more comforting to me for the future of the country than knowing there are so many high-capacity weapons in the hands of so many low-capacity people.

Oh damn, I'm a liberal elitist.

If it makes me an elitist to prefer not to be shot, particularly not shot by a dumb ass, then sign me up.

Also, I'm not a liberal as those are the pansies who agree with Obama.  I'm a full-out socialist.

It really doesn't interest me how mechanically Communism, Socialism, and Marxism interrelate with each other as fundamental to it all is the original from Karl Marx:  from each according to ability and to each according to need.

Where that fails is why should anyone give to the most of their ability if that doesn't yield any more than sorting buttons, painting speed bumps or being a politician.  That's a bit of a problem but I rather suspect it can be resolved more easily than the current approach of routine combat that lasts for generations.  Gunners, to your marks.

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