Sunday, December 22, 2013

China Gets a New Aircraft Carrier for Christmas

China is planning to build a 110,000 ton aircraft carrier which would rival the biggest in the world.  (RT:  China planning 110,000-ton 'super aircraft carrier' to rival US naval power)

Take back anything I said about the Chinese being intelligent.  All they have to do is wait and the U.S. will fall over anyway.  Instead they will bankrupt themselves the same way the Soviet Union did it.  The amusing side of it, to me, is that the only way the U.S. can afford another Cold War is by borrowing the money from China.   Only Terry Gilliam could write the screenplay.

All this started with the ridiculous posturing over some worthless islands.  The Japanese made a big stink out of it and then the U.S. military got into it.  Save the Japanese virgins, they cried.

As a result of that, some idiot U.S. boat driver nearly collided with China's existing aircraft carrier.  It sure would be a bitch to get into World War III just because the U.S. Navy gave a boat to someone who should have been working at 7/11 quick stop rather than driving a warship.  (Yes, this happened and there is a reference to it in the article)

It seems some questions would be valid:

Hey there, Mister Magoo.  Did you just not see the aircraft carrier?

How the fuck did you not see an aircraft carrier?

So, it's good to see the Chinese military is at least as stupid as the American military and that should be good for comic hi-jinks for years to come ... or until everybody dies.

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