Sunday, December 29, 2013

When Cops Are the Problem

Cops in west Pennsylvania went out to search a place for drugs.  Douglas Lydic was there and was arrested.  The cops hand-cuffed him and put him in one of their cruisers while they searched for the drugs.  No drugs were found but meanwhile Lydic had escaped from the cruiser and had got to his girlfriend's house several miles away.

So the cops find Lydic and release him because no drugs were found, right?

Well, no.  When they found him they charged him with stealing the handcuffs.  They also charged his girlfriend with assisting him.  (PoliceOne:  W. Pa. man charged with stealing cuffs in escape)

Perhaps it's difficult to understand how cops can be so stupid ... until you check out another story.

Herewith the saga of the cop who shot himself while he drove to the bagel shop to stuff his fat face.  Here's the beauty part:  it wasn't even his service revolver that fired the bullet.  Why he was carrying something other than his service weapon was not revealed in the story.  (News 12 Connecticut:  Bridgeport residents protest against cop who accidentally shot himself)

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