Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Steroid Alert - Dive, Dive, Dive

You've seen what steroids have done to me in the past and they're doing it again.  I know they make me suicidal but I'm onto that after previous times it has happened.  No matter what stupid crap I may say, I'm not going to feckin' commit suicide.  Life is way too short to chuck what is left.  Besides, what kind of asshole would do that to Cat.

The stuff is miraculous for coughs, no disputing that.  Nevertheless, it makes me crazy and things will be strange for the next four days.  So I'm sick as a rat but we've already covered that so there are some notes I've made for myself:

-  NO articles about Miley Cyrus ... unless she suddenly develops a sexy ass.

-  Don't put a gall bladder selfie on Facebook.  Someone may think it is a meal.

   (No, nothing is wrong with my gall bladder.  I have no gall bladder.)

-  No complaints about symptoms on here or Facebook.  That's disgusting.

-  Don't gloat too much over Uruguay being the first country in the world to legalise marijuana.  America got it a long time ago.  It's just Washington that didn't.

-  Thank the Tobey the Dog once in a while for being clever enough not to find a corner to take care of his business if I'm asleep.

-  Find a Christmas lights video that doesn't suck (i.e. no more SLAYER).

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