Sunday, December 29, 2013

"There's Something About Marigolds" (video)

This was recorded in the show on Friday night at Cat's Art MusikCircus.  The images are from random events as I didn't think the video would be complete without a spaceship from Amsterdam and Lotho in a gigantic orange hat.  Fellini had a spaceship.  I have a spaceship.  Ha!

Looks like that feller has been smokin' a whole lot of ganja.  Yep, that's what it looks like to me.  (This was maybe four years ago in Cincinnati.)

There are some parts in the tune where I cringe as the overall sound of the guitar is vastly improved but it can get screechy way up the top of the neck.  That's not a fault in the way it was fixed but rather the way I have the sound patch defined but the details on that will get exceptionally geeky.  Overall I like the tune and it surprised me that it happened as it did.  This is definitely a Cat tune as she has said many times how much more she likes clearly stated notes from the guitar as she is not impressed by machine gun shredder stuff.  This is a gentle way of saying TURN OFF THE DAMN ECHO.  There's no echo in "There's Something About Marigolds" and I like what came of it.

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