Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Santa with a License to Kill

What kind of wrong-headed, mutated pervert would send up a fighter escort with Santa's sleigh.  Well, that would be NORAD.  Every year they provide a Web site that shows the progress Santa is making in his flight and millions of kids have loved it.  This year the Pentagon has added a fighter escort because, I assume, it's never too young to teach a kid that a Muslim might try to kill Santa Claus.  (RT:  Pentagon's Santa tracking experience adds armed jet escorts, riles up child advocates)

(Wait for the fighters.  They will be there.)

I don't get why there has not been more protest about doing this.  Carry that out to every Christmas card being required to have SUPPORT OUR TROOPS printed across it.  Maybe you think that's ridiculous or maybe even you think it is a good idea.

Why was it so easy to get people to roll over for this militaristic crap.  Who made all these fascist babies.  WTF!  Wir machen das Hitler Jugend, ja?  Support our troops, they say.  I say, fuck that.  I don't even know what they do and neither do you.

Oh yeah, they're in Afghanistan shooting, well, Taliban guys.  Yeah, Taliban guys and sometimes warlords and al Qaeda.  Yeah, that's it.  They're doing that and sometimes people blow up their trucks with home-made bombs.  Really sucks.  Yeah, that's what they do.

Fucking really.

So to connect this to the top, the kids have to understand that those damn Muslims will kill Santa unless we protect him with fighter planes and SUPPORT OUR TROOPS to keep Santa safe.

The movie, "Starship Troopers," gave us the cartoon view of the statist system of the future but the stuff we're seeing now is too twisted even for that.  Santa Claus is in the Army now ... and the obscenity of it flies way higher than he does.

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