Sunday, December 29, 2013

About M4A Audio Format

Some of the files I've uploaded to the Ride the Dragon podcast have been in M4A format (as opposed to MP3, AIFF, etc).  This file type is created by exports from Quicktime and I have used that utility because that's been the quickest way to slice up the recordings of Second Life shows so I can upload single songs to the podcast.

However, there's one tiny problem and it's that Windows doesn't know how to open an M4A file.  There isn't a problem if you have Quicktime on your Windows machine but otherwise you're screwed.  If you do have it, open Quicktime and then open the M4A file from within it.  Then it will play just fine.

What I need to do to prevent the problem is to convert the M4A in iTunes to MP3 and then it's universal.  If the software designers showed any more responsibility than a Navy boy on his first shore leave, the plethora of file types wouldn't exist ... but that's not the case so let's go find some bars and some hookers.

The M4A situation doesn't matter unless you download the file.  When you're playing it from within your browser everything will be ok as you will almost certainly have a Quicktime plugin.  If you have the plugin then you probably have the Quicktime main program for offline but that's not so sure and that's where the problem comes.

The fix is to switch to uploading only MP3 files but that won't change the files I've uploaded already and the article is to show you how to deal with them.

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