Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Amazing B-52 Viagra Bomber

The Senkaku Islands have been a source of contention between Japan and China and are basis for the current cowboy posturing in the region.  What makes it all completely ludicrous is that China and Japan agree the islands actually belong to Taiwan but Japan has not relinquished them because it does not formally recognise Taiwan as a sovereign state.  (WIKI:  Senkaku Islands)

Of course, if there's any potential for shooting, the U.S. has got to make its testosterone-bloated presence felt so a couple of B-52 bombers were flown through the area a few days ago.  Apparently this was supposed to show that, despite the evidence of the blazing incompetence of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, America is still capable of becoming militarily-erect.  Bring on the Viagra, let's kill somethin'.

Right now, Biden is going to see the Chinese after already meeting with the Japanese and this might not be such a bad thing.  He did an excellent job in his part of resolving the dispute over chemical weapons in Syria and without rolling over for Israel's bleating or making any more people dead.  (CNN:  U.S. Vice President Joe Biden arrives in China amid tense airspace dispute)

The solution to this seems pretty simple:  give the Senkaku Islands to Taiwan as both parties agree Taiwan owns them anyway.  But what fun would that be without a riot of military posturing to play with the idea of another World War III scenario.

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