Thursday, December 26, 2013

Oh Yeah, About Socialised Medicine

What people have been calling socialized medicine (i.e. Affordable Care Act or Obamacare) isn't socialized medicine at all but what you have had all along most certainly is.

Socialized medicine is when the state is the Super Mama and pays for the doctors, the care, the medicine, etc.  The ACA doesn't even come close to doing that.

In my recent health debacle there was a trip to the E.R. as the first part of the illness featured brutal coughing.  The bill from the hospital has now arrived:  $5300.  (This is NOT a plea from me for money)

Maybe you ask what's socialized about that.  It's socialized because there's no way in hell I can pay it.  You will.  This is how it works for anyone who has no money for doctoring and you have been paying for it for years.  Cleverly enough, E.R. doctoring is, by far, the most expensive kind so this is a rather less than intelligent form of socialized medicine.

Fortunately for me, the Veterans Administration has now picked up my doctoring and it costs nothing but that doesn't change anything for those who are not eligible.

As I understand it, the ACA will pay your medical insurance premiums if you are unable to pay them yourself.  That still doesn't make it socialized medicine as the corporations control the benefits, not the government.  America had the most faulty medical management in the world and the ACA really doesn't do much to change that.  The insurance companies were corrupt before and they will be corrupt after (shrug).

The loudest opposition to the ACA comes from uninformed dolts like Bill O'Reilly who recently said that Jesus would not have supported food stamps for the poor.  (Raw Story:  Bill O’Reilly: Jesus is not ‘down with’ food stamps because most poor people are drug addicts)

Of all the tabloid news monkeys, O'Reilly is probably the worst and he's definitely the most vicious.  If you're poor then you're probably a drug addict and you should just die.  Most of the people I know who are broke don't even use drugs but think whatever you like, you nasty little man.  We in the real world see what a shameless slut you really are.

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