Saturday, September 2, 2017

15 Best Things To Do While Stoned | Helpful PSA from WeedReader

WeedReader:  15 Best Things To Do While Stoned

Thankfully, taking stoner selfies was not one of the fifteen suggestions.

WeedReader has given us kind of a soft list, mates, since almost all of these things any self-respecting stoner will be doing anyway.  Here are some more.

Programming Computers

This doesn't mean playing with computers to see what they or something else does but rather it means to program the computers so they will do that thing.  This may seem an injudicious suggestion particularly by those do not partake but there are many stoners who do it and I wrote at least 100K lines of code that way.

Zen Yogi:  did they work?

Indeed they did, Yogi, splendidly, in fact.  The program and its logic become art forms.


This pursuit had been on my list but it didn't stay on it after I tried it.  Being a little less lackadaisical about dying in a splattered pulp on the runway seemed the better way to approach my stoner vibe.  In stoner parlance, it was a huge rush, tho.

Here's one from WeedReader which has never happened at the Rockhouse and never will.

Ride a Roller Coaster

Riding motorcycles or jumping out of perfectly good aircraft are exceptional things to do but riding a roller coaster is terrifying.  Will never happen.

Note:  that doesn't mean riding bikes or skydiving are sensible things either when you're stoned.

Something which may yet make it to the list:

Flying Spaceships

When we see the rocket launches, it doesn't appear the astronauts do that much since the computers ensure everything does what it's supposed to do.

Zen Yogi:  so what?

If that's true then it doesn't matter nor incur risk if the astronaut is stoned.  That would have to make for the most unbelievably trippin' thrill ride of all time.

Zen Yogi:  but you wouldn't do it?

Nope.  If I'm not driving it, I'm not going.  I make a lousy passenger.

Zen Yogi:  how do you drive a parachute?

That's real, mate, since there are what they call risers which go up to the canopy and these will be a couple of rope controls which open or close part of the canopy in each side.  In this way you can steer it to fly into a world you never imagined before.  If you pull the riser on the right, you will do a sweeping turn to the right all while descending at a relatively slow speed.  That yields a state of grace which may be difficult to achieve any other way.

If you pull the risers on each side to close the portals on each side of the canopy, it will start to rock from side to side and that's got to be fun, right?

Zen Yogi:  did you ever do that?

Only for long enough to discover I didn't want to do that, Yogi.

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