Friday, May 19, 2017

Where Are You, Lovely Russians | We Want Olga's Science

Lovely Russkies, thank you for Olga.

Where is Taylor Swift when you need her, huh?

Ed:  I don't need her

Well, there's that, isn't there.

Well, look at you, Olga.  Those eyes are dangerous, aren't they.

Olga:  I von't kill you, dahlink!

That's not the kind of danger I mean, dahlink.

Are you curious, Olga?

Olga:  yes, dahlink, I am curious

But not about me?

Olga:  nyet

Do you only read science articles with keywords like Republican or Abortion and think I didn't set you up?

Olga:  I don't care about Republicans or Abortions, dahlink

You're more like Americans than Washington.  Can we get married?

Olga:  nyet and stop sending those emails!

I didn't do that, it was Opus.

Ref:  Bloom County

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