Thursday, May 18, 2017

Unknown Why Ithaka Attracts Such Moronic Gutter Monkeys

It's like "World War Z v2.0" is being filmed and instead of hordes of CGI zombies, there are hordes of Undead Neoliberals.  The Rockhouse impression of those ignorant rats has been abundantly clear but they're so shameless nothing stops them.

There's an article about the way Obama was bullshitting about collecting metadata but they run for their cowardly lives from it.  (Ithaka:  Barack "Metadata" Obama Has the Unmitigated Gall to Call Someone Else a Bullshitter)

When they can't face truth, what do you suppose that knuckle-dragging, grave-robbing skank patrol ever does face.

They are such an embarrassment and compounded by the fact I wasn't even fucking born here yet I know the history better than they.

No-one knows the history better than Cadillac Man and possibly Kannafoot.  We are so not worthy.

Ed:  history is as easy to wrap around a fork as a plate of pasta!

Well then, your task is to discover those who relate the history honestly, isn't it.

It's the same situation with science when there are so many people lying about it other people really aren't sure where the true science exists.  One thing we see immediately is neither an accurate telling of history nor an accurate impression of science ever comes out of Washington.

Ed:  none of this answers why the gutter monkeys come

In the night, they always come ...

How about a scattergun approach since they wind up here from Google Search then see they don't agree with it and run for their chicken lives.

Ed:  you alienate them with your language!

I haven't observed any relationship in that way since swearing doesn't necessarily kill an article.

Ed:  you alienate them with too much swearing!

Does that even mean anything.  I don't use most of the words you can't say on television and I'm not at all averse to using them but they lose impact if I throw them all the time and then they're not any fun anymore.

Some guy:  what you lookin' at you big nose, big ears, dumb ass motherfucker?

Those aren't fighting words but laughing words and he likely would have got it if I had laughed.

Motherfucker has been used so many times in about the last thirty years it doesn't shock anyone except maybe yer mama.

One thing on which the Rockhouse is reminded on a daily basis: the more people hate you, the more likely you're telling the truth.

Ed:  people hate Trump!

They don't hate him; they want to be him.

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